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Differentiation and Confluence of Refined and Popular Music from the Perspective of "Heaven and Man"
CHEN Xian-tao
Journal of Chaohu University    2022, 24 (5): 77-84.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2022.05.009
Abstract432)      PDF(pc) (917KB)(951)       Save
Under the influence of the idea of "heaven and man" in the pre-Qin and Han Dynasties, the aesthetic purpose, function and characteristics of refined music and popular music were "close but different". From the perspective of the differentiation process, the aesthetic pursuit of the "harmony of heaven and man" of refined music was different from that of the "happiness of heaven and man" of popular music, and the aesthetic subjects' choices of "divinity" or "humanity" were different, so the "orders of differing music" were completed in the differentiated scenes of "temples" and "the folks". From the perspective of confluence causes, refined and popular music were based on the identity of the feelings of heaven and man, and promoted the teaching of heaven and man with the help of aesthetic commonality, so as to realize the value unity of the beauty of heaven and man. Differentiation originated from the worship of "gods", while confluence witnessed the rise of "man".
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Folk Belief and Regional Identity: The Historical Inheritance and Cultural Implications of the National Intangible Cultural Heritage "Wuchang Taiping Lantern"
YANG Ze-yu WANG Xing-yong CHENG Kai
Journal of Chaohu University    2020, 22 (1): 89-96.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2020.01.013
Accepted: 25 January 2020
Online available: 25 January 2020

Abstract1111)      PDF(pc) (1200KB)(2147)       Save
"Wuchang Taiping Lantern" is one of the main types of the national intangible cultural heritage "Dongzhi Lantern". It has a long history and rich meanings. It integrates the original cultural symbols such as folk songs and dances, original crafts and religious beliefs. It embodies the collective memory of the local people and reflects the spiritual outlook of the working people. The research on "Taiping Lantern" takes into account both diachronic and synchronic perspectives. On the one hand, through the description of "space", the research explores its historical origin and reveals its spatial state and regional structure of occurrence and development in "change" and "invariance"; on the other hand, its deductive form is interpreted to decipher the multicultural connotations contained therein, and identify the "idol" and "reality" according to the universality of the ritual, which is beneficial to the exploration of inheritance and the protection of the regional and minority intangible cultural heritage represented by the "Wuchang Taiping Lantern".
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Journal of Chaohu University    2024, 26 (1): 0-.  
Abstract119)      PDF(pc) (1306KB)(198)       Save
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A Summary of Banditry Suppression in Northern Anhui from 1949 to 1952
HU Meng-jun
Journal of Chaohu University    2020, 22 (1): 76-81.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2020.01.011
Abstract8689)      PDF(pc) (1051KB)(3281)       Save
During the period of the Republic of China, banditry was a serious problem in Northern Anhui. Under the guidance of the correct policy of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China after the liberation, the grassroots organizations in Northern Anhui were established to cooperate with many other regions and cooperate with other public security campaigns. Public security organizations had been widely established to maintain local security. In the process of suppression, the masses had been actively mobilized and educated, so the criminals had no place to go. With the joint efforts of the government and the people, the success of banditry suppression in Northern Anhui was remarkable. By 1952, the bandits in Northern Anhui were basically cleared, which ensured the smooth progress of all work.
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On the Writing and Function of Women Biography in the Old Biography of Tongcheng Seniors
Journal of Chaohu University    2023, 25 (4): 113-122.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2023.04.014
Abstract208)      PDF(pc) (1352KB)(549)       Save
The Old Biography of Tongcheng Seniors compiled by Ma Qichang, the last leader of Tongcheng School, includes a volume of Virtuous Women(Lie Nv), which includes the deeds of filial piety and chastity by 21 Tongcheng women, and has important historical research value. The main sources of Virtuous Women are official histories, local records, anthologies, and genealogies, with occasional references to other historical sources. The volume text has distinctive characteristics, with the main characters living during the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, and portrayed differently based on their identity backgrounds. From a historical perspective, Ma Qichang's compilation motivation is to leverage the educational function of Virtuous Women, while from a social perspective, it is to highlight the exemplary role of virtuous women. Additionally, the compiler's personal ambition cannot be ignored.
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The Formation and Construction Meaning of Popular Frame Construction "A ge B": AB as Disyllabic Word Whose Structure Is Not Predicate-Objective or PredicateComplement
HUANG Guang-yi
Journal of Chaohu University    2022, 24 (1): 123-133.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2022.01.018
Abstract297)      PDF(pc) (1423KB)(1196)       Save
In modern Chinese, ge can be inserted into some disyllabic words "AB" whose structure is not predicateobjective or predicate-complement, which is called frame construction "A ge B". This paper further summarizes the construction meaning of "A ge B" by sorting out its formation process, and investigates the actual presentation of different construction meanings. "A ge B" is developed from "V ge NP/VP". The invariable term ge inherits and enhances the subjective vivifying function so that "A ge B" has the vivid meaning. In the long-term use and analogy, the action meaning, which "V ge NP/VP" and other former structures as verbal components have, is stabilized, and then "A ge B", itself having the action meaning, is formed. Instances of "A ge B" can present the action meaning because the action meaning of "A ge B" suppresses AB to varying degrees.
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A Elegant Family Style, Inheritance of Literature and Culture:A Brief Introduction to the Family Tradition and Culture of Talented Ladies of the Hanshan Qingshi Family in the Qing Dynasty
WANG Zui-zhong
Journal of Chaohu University    2020, 22 (5): 23-28.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2020.05.004
Abstract1528)      PDF(pc) (818KB)(2025)       Save
In the Qing Dynasty, Hanshan Qingshi, a typical family of imperial examination officials, rose in the local area. In the family, Zhang huanxin, Qing fengting, Qing fenghui and Qing peiyun were all well-known for composing poems, which made Qingshi family more famous. Along with the influence of geography, times and family traditions, it was their good family tradition that made their culture of talented ladies rise through time. The two aspects influenced promoted each other, forming a benign interaction. A case analysis of the family's tradition and culture of talented women can help understand the internal mechanism and reasons for the prosperity of the culture of talented ladies in the traditional family, and further deepen our understanding of the culture of talented ladies in the region around Chaohu Lake.
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An OED- and COCA-assisted Analysis on Semantic Change and Discrimination of Synonyms: By the Case of English Synonymous Verbs Deceive and Cheat
Journal of Chaohu University    2022, 24 (4): 120-127.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2022.04.015
Abstract271)      PDF(pc) (1381KB)(1124)       Save
Based on The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) and the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA), this paper conducts a comparative study of English synonymous verbs deceive and cheat from five aspects: sense evolution, genre distribution, word frequency, collocation, and topics. The results reveal that deceive has more senses that became obsolete than cheat in the process of semantic shifts, so the word cheat has a wider semantic scope in modern English, but both verbs retain the meaning of "To cause to believe what is false" as the chief word sense; different from cheat which is frequently used in oral and informal genres, deceive always appears in formal contexts; the word frequency of cheat is much higher than that of deceive and their inflectional change tendencies are different; deceive often co-occur with topic words related to religion, while cheat is regularly involved in topics like honesty and morality, marriage and ethics. The study aims to clarify the similarities and differences between synonyms deceive and cheat, hoping to provide inspiration for English synonyms teaching and acquisition.
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Research on Integrating Xi Jinping's Important Discussions on Family, Family Education and Family Values into the Ideological and Political Education for University Students
WU Xiao-yun
Journal of Chaohu University    2024, 26 (1): 108-113.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2024.01.015
Abstract72)      PDF(pc) (464KB)(156)       Save
Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, Xi Jinping has made a series of important discussions on family, family education and family values. This article interprets the profound connotation of Xi Jinping's important discussions on family, family education and family values. It explores the value guidance of integrating them into the ideological and political education of university students from three aspects: the nature of ideological and political courses, ideological and moral qualities, and life values and goals. It proposes constructive measures and paths from four aspects: emphasizing family education by reading classics, establishing family values through practice, building a platform for family-school cooperation, and enhancing university students' self-education. Xi Jinping's important discussions on the construction of family, family education, and family values hold significant guiding significance for the ideological and political education of university students. They can help students cultivate wellrounded personalities, and form good qualities, so they will nurture a new generation of socialist builders with both integrity and talent, who are positive, virtuous, and responsible, contributing to the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
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Litigation Path Selection of Contract Disputes over the Transfer of the Right to Use State-Owned Land
WANG Ya-qiong, WANG Peng
Journal of Chaohu University    2020, 22 (2): 41-47.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2020.02.006
Accepted: 14 June 2020
Online available: 14 June 2020

Abstract949)      PDF(pc) (774KB)(1155)       Save
There have always been two different views in the theoretical cycle on the legal attribute of state-owned land use right transfer contracts, namely civil contracts and administrative agreements. In judicial practice, some disputes of state-owned land use right transfer contracts are solved through civil litigation and administrative litigation. Analyzed from legal attribute of contracting parties, purpose of contract, self-determination scope of content and rights and obligations of both parties to the contract, state-owned land use right transfer tracts should be classified as administrative agreements. There exist problems if land use right transfer contract disputes are solved through sole civil litigation or sole administrative litigation. Litigation path should be determined in accordance with the subject identity of prosecutors and nature of the dispute within the scope of mixed dispute resolution path. In addition, with added mechanisms of "reverse litigation", "administrative mediation" under administrative litigation paths and "incidental administrative review" mechanism under the civil litigation path, mixed litigation paths become a clearer and smoother way.
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Industrial Robots and Manufacturing Growth: An Empirical Study Based on Provincial Panel Data in China
HU Zhang-ting, ZHOU Shi-jun
Journal of Chaohu University    2021, 23 (2): 53-60.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2021.02.008
Abstract809)      PDF(pc) (1366KB)(1142)       Save
As an important application of artificial intelligence, the use of industrial robots is conducive to the steady growth of manufacturing industry. Based on the data of China's manufacturing industry and CRIA忆s industrial robot provincial panel, the empirical study finds that: for every 1% increase in the use of industrial robots, the average growth of manufacturing output value is 0.6%; even considering the "inertia" effect of economic growth, the impact of industrial robots also reaches 0.1% to 0.4%. Furthermore, in order to verify whether the use of industrial robots has the same phenomenon of diminishing marginal returns like traditional factor inputs, the paper constructs a panel threshold model. The regression results show that, compared with the diminishing marginal returns of traditional factor inputs, industrial robots at this stage will bring the continuous growth of manufacturing output, and will not see diminishing marginal returns. Therefore, accelerating the development of artificial intelligence technology is conducive to promoting sustained economic growth. Finally, some policy suggestions are put forward.
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Research on the Development of Traditional Village Tourism in China and Its Impact
CHEN Xiao-hua, DENG Wei-long
Journal of Chaohu University    2022, 24 (5): 111-117.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2022.05.013
Abstract378)      PDF(pc) (1394KB)(948)       Save
In recent years, the traditional village tourism development has become a hot issue for scholars. Based on the combing of relevant research literature, this paper summarizes the research progress of tourism development of traditional villages and its impact. The existing research focuses on the protection and development of traditional village tourism resources, diversified tourism development models and the impact of tourism development on protection and development. Tourism, as the main way to protect and develop traditional villages, has effectively promoted the functional transformation and spatial activation of villages, and at the same time, it has brought pressure on the protection of rural landscape and the inheritance of traditional culture. Strengthening multi-disciplinary comprehensive research, and improving research theories and methods; giving full play to the characteristic tourism resources of traditional villages, and exploring the path and mode of traditional village tourism development to promote rural revitalization; cultivating the cultural ecosystem of traditional villages, and coordinating the relationship between protection and development from different dimensions, are the aspects that need to be strengthened urgently in the future research on tourism development of traditional villages.
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Rebellion and Revolution: Yunnan Secret Society in the Late Qing Dynasty from a Dual Perspective
XIE Jun, LUO An-wei
Journal of Chaohu University    2022, 24 (4): 101-109.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2022.04.013
Abstract226)      PDF(pc) (1307KB)(1201)       Save
The secret society was an influential civil force in modern Yunnan, which played multiple roles in the changes of times. The secret society in Yunnan was introduced from neighboring provinces. After entering modern times, it took root in the soil of semi-colonial and semi-feudal society and developed rapidly. In order to resist the oppression of the government, the Yunnan secret society launched several uprisings and shook the rule of the Qing government in Yunnan; In order to establish a democratic political system, the Revolutionary Party headed by Sun Yat-sen noticed the great power contained in the secret society and the special geographical location of Yunnan. They used the secret society to launch numerous armed uprisings and accelerated the collapse of the Qing government. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the Yunnan secret society also expanded its forces in the old and new armies and served as one of the main forces in the movement of uniting the bourgeois revolutionaries to overthrow the Qing government. However, due to its own defects and the completion of the "anti-Qing Dynasty" goal, the Yunnan secret society was suppressed by the military governor just after the Xinhai Revolution of 1911.
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The Huizhou War Disaster and Self Rescue Activities from 1926 to 1927
XU Jun-wen
Journal of Chaohu University    2024, 26 (1): 68-76.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2024.01.010
Abstract50)      PDF(pc) (1307KB)(156)       Save
In 1926, after the "Five Provinces Alliance" led by Sun Chuanfang was defeated by the National Revolutionary Army, three remnants of the coalition army passed through or stationed in Huizhou for a period of up to three months, causing a significant impact on the local social order. Huizhou society has suffered the most severe damage since the Xiantong War, which not only has a significant impact on economic development and people's lives, but even the long-standing Huizhou culture has suffered significant setbacks. To this end, local and foreign residents of Huizhou are doing their best to carry out post disaster reconstruction work, while also calling on all parties to intervene in negotiations with Sun Chuanfang to minimize losses. The military disaster in Huizhou from 1926 to 1927 reflected the impact of the Beiyang warlords on traditional society under the changing social order, and also reflected that the Beiyang army, which could not protect the environment and the people, was inevitably eliminated by the revolutionary forces formed by the revolutionary army and the righteous people.
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Arts Patronage and Huizhou Painting in the Late Ming Dynasty: Taking Ding Yunpeng as an Example
FAN Ben-qin
Journal of Chaohu University    2022, 24 (6): 98-105.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2022.06.011
Abstract234)      PDF(pc) (2781KB)(1143)       Save
In the late Ming Dynasty, the prosperity of Huizhou painting was closely related to arts patronage. Ding Yunpeng was a representative painter in Huizhou in the late Ming Dynasty. Through a study on his painting career, we can find that although the way of patronage reception was still obscure, arts patronage existed widely and there were various ways to get patronage. Based on their own city and facing the entire Jiangnan region, Huizhou painters successfully integrated into the cultural circle of distinguished personages in Jiangnan with the help of Huizhou elite groups in other areas. Patronage from the local city and Jiangnan had very important influence on Huizhou painting. Therefore, the paintings of Ding Yunpeng that we see today not only reflect the influence of Huizhou characteristic engraving (painting) industry and ink production industry, but also reflect the trend of thought and fashion of the times in the late Ming Dynasty, and actively respond to the aesthetic needs of elites of all classes in Jiangnan cultural circle.
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A Study on the Impact of Digital Inclusive Finance on Consumption of Urban Residents in China: Mediating Effect Based on Industrial Structure
DONG Ru-jin RUAN Su-mei
Journal of Chaohu University    2023, 25 (1): 49-57.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2023.01.007
Abstract706)      PDF(pc) (1153KB)(1036)       Save
Raising the level of consumption is an important way to expand domestic demand and promote sustainable economic growth, and it is an important part of the strategy to build a large domestic economic cycle. With the help of big data information technology and innovative traditional financial services, digital inclusive finance can enhance financial inclusion and stimulate the growth of residents' consumption. Based on the panel data of 31 provinces in China from 2011 to 2020, this paper constructs a fixed effect model to study the impact of digital inclusive finance and its first-level dimensions on the consumption of urban residents in China. By building a mediation model, the role of industrial structure in the impact mechanism of digital inclusive finance on urban residents' consumption is examined. The results show that digital inclusive finance, its first-level dimensions and industrial structure upgrading all have supporting effects on urban residents' consumption; the analysis of the role mechanism shows that digital inclusive finance can indirectly promote urban residents' consumption through industrial structure upgrading; the heterogeneity analysis finds that the supporting effect of digital inclusive finance on the consumption of urban residents in coastal, inland, and remote areas decreases in turn.
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A Study on the Group of Governor and Grand Secretaries in the Qianlong Period
YUAN Jun-ying
Journal of Chaohu University    2023, 25 (2): 97-105.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2023.02.013
Abstract251)      PDF(pc) (1343KB)(1204)       Save
Governor and grand secretary is known as a grand secretary who also serves as a local governor. As the reform and innovation of the system of grand secretaries by the Yongzheng and Qianlong Emperors, the governor and grand secretaries first appeared in the late years of Yongzheng period, and they were active in the middle and late Qing dynasty. By analyzing the information of 12 governor and grand secretaries in Qianlong period, including their employment background, official career and on-duty information, this group turned out to be a high-quality bureaucratic group with outstanding ability, great military achievement, and abundant experience. They were the division and extension of imperial power, and played an important role in stabilizing the inner court and the outer court.
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Research on the Influencing Factors of Generation Z's Willingness to Purchase Agricultural Products in the Context of Live Commerce
ZHAO Jie, ZHU Cheng-xiang
Journal of Chaohu University    2023, 25 (5): 60-69+86.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2023.05.008
Abstract160)      PDF(pc) (1425KB)(295)       Save
Based on the migration theory, a push-pull-mooring model is constructed, and the influencing factors of Generation Z's willingness to purchase agricultural products in the context of live commerce are empirically studied from the perspective of driving effect and lock-in effect. Through the reliability and validity analysis and regression analysis of 214 questionnaires using SPSS 25.0 and AMOS 23.0, the results show that the push factor (live broadcast experience) and the pull factor (agricultural product characteristics) in the driving effect will have a positive impact on customer trust, thus further affecting the purchase willingness, so customer trust plays a partial intermediary role in the driving effect; In the lock-in effect, the lock-in factors will positively affect customer inertia, and then affect their purchase willingness, so customer inertia plays a partial intermediary role in the lock-in effect. Based on the research results, live commerce of agricultural products should enhance the live broadcast experience, improve the selection criteria for recommended agricultural products, and pay attention to the psychological state of the audience, such as the inertia of customers.
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Exploration of Marx's Labor Theory of Value from the Perspective of Big History
HU Zhe
Journal of Chaohu University    2024, 26 (1): 16-23.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2024.01.003
Abstract59)      PDF(pc) (8548KB)(156)       Save
The relationship between capital and labor, as a fundamental contradiction in Marxist political economy, runs through the production, circulation, and distribution of surplus value, symbolizing the changing development of capitalist productive forces and relations of production. Based on the timeline of the past, present, and future of the big history perspective, a comprehensive spatial exploration of the dialectical relationship between the labor theory of value and capital is conducted. The intertwining of time and space can not only fully highlight the truthfulness, practicality, and developmental characteristics of Marx's labor theory of value, but also realize a comprehensive and scientific critique and transcendence of capital. It is in the continuous advancement of Marxist political economy that scientific socialism can be finally established. In the new era, the rational application of Marx's scientific labor theory of value can provide theoretical and practical guidance for the economic development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and empower the construction of Chinese-style modernization.
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Study on the Group of Guest Teachers in the Song Dynasty: Centered on Yi Jian Zhi
TANG Ye-lu
Journal of Chaohu University    2024, 26 (1): 60-67.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2024.01.009
Abstract54)      PDF(pc) (8862KB)(161)       Save
Guest teachers were family tutors in the Song Dynasty. On the one hand, guest teachers were poor and depended on their host families. Besides educational activities, they also participated in the cultural entertainment and social activities of the host families. On the other hand, scholars regarded guest teaching as a transitional profession; thus, they were a mobile group. The interpersonal communication of guest teachers was centered on the host families. They promoted the development of education for common people in the Song Dynasty, contributed to the spread of Confucian culture, and set an example for local moral education with their scholarly moral standards. Hong Mai's Yi Jian Zhi contains many records about guest teachers in the Song Dynasty, providing vivid materials for us to understand the group of guest teachers in the Song Dynasty in detail.
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Effect of Experimental Conditions on Hydrothermal Synthesis of Goethite (α-FeOOH) Structure
HU Xu-zhao, ZHAO Jun, ZHOU Yu, ZHOU Fan-fan, YUN Shu-juan
Journal of Chaohu University    2020, 22 (3): 97-103.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2020.03.015
Online available: 20 August 2020

Abstract3393)      PDF(pc) (4835KB)(1884)       Save
In this study, acicular goethite FeOOH was prepared via a surfactant-assisted hydrothermal method,and the phase composition and morphology of the FeOOH specimens were studied by means of XRD, SEM and TEM. The effects of hydrothermal temperature, hydrothermal time and different surfactants on the structure and the purity of FeOOH specimens were investigated systematically. It was found that only the Fe2O3 phase but no FeOOH phase can be found in the specimen if not using the addition of any surfactant. The best experimental conditions for the high-purity, high-crystallization and uniform -FeOOH are that the CTAB   cetyltrimethylammonium bromide of 0.2 g or 0.3 g was used as the surfactant, and the temperature conditions were at 180 reaction 2 h.
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Application of Three-dimensional Fluorescence Spectrometry in Wastewater Treatment
SHEN Xiao-wei, XUE Tong-zhan, SHEN Hui-yan, XI Wang
Journal of Chaohu University    2021, 23 (3): 95-101+124.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2021.03.013
Abstract595)      PDF(pc) (1321KB)(1594)       Save
In order to analyze, identify and trace the sources of pollutants in water bodies, the use of three-dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy to determine the types and contents of pollutants in water has the advantages of high accuracy and fast determination. The application of three-dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy in the analysis of organic pollutants in water bodies has been studied. Through the characterization of the characteristic fluorescence spectra of different organic pollutants in sewage, the identification and traceability of the pollutants can be quickly and efficiently realized. The current commonly used three-dimensional fluorescence fingerprint analysis methods are introduced, and the correlation between the fluorescence properties of DOM in sewage and organic pollution indicators are discussed. The application status of three-dimensional fluorescence spectrum analysis technology in sewage treatment is discussed, and its application prospects in the field of sewage treatment are predicted.

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The Reform and Improvement of the Influence of Short Online Videos over the Public Voice in the New Media Context—Taking Reports of COVID-19 as an Example
LIU Chang, WANG Chao
Journal of Chaohu University    2020, 22 (2): 9-15+92.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2020.02.002
Accepted: 14 June 2020
Online available: 14 June 2020

Abstract1823)      PDF(pc) (925KB)(1780)       Save
With the widespread mobile terminals and the speeding of Internet, short online videos have become an important new media reporting method in the development of media convergence with the advantages of visualization for audience, fragmentation in social contacts and diversity in contents. The development of short online videos has also exerted a tremendous influence over news spreading, which results from the great changes of news spreading practices caused by the spreading feature of online videos and its combination with news spreading's inherent law. Among those reports of COVID-19, in order to meet the information needs of the public, short online videos have revolutionized the reach of public opinion influence, the means and contents of public scrutiny. Under the new media context, the short online videos have played a fundamental role in public opinions. Through good use of short online videos, gradually reforming transmission mechanism and improving the technology, the authority, the folks, the mainstream media and socialized media can realize public opinion resonance, to achieve information disclosure, guidance and supervision of public opinion, humanistic care and popularization of knowledge. 
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Research on the Characteristics, Trends, and Influencing Factors of Female Entrepreneurship: An Empirical Analysis Based on CGSS Data
ZHANG Yin, ZHANG Wen-jing
Journal of Chaohu University    2023, 25 (6): 43-55.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2023.06.006
Abstract70)      PDF(pc) (1862KB)(161)       Save
This paper, based on CGSS(2010—2021) data, deeply explores the characteristics, trends, and influencing factors of female entrepreneurship. The research results show that the overall female entrepreneurship rate exceeds 20% and presents a gentle "W" trend, with survival entrepreneurship being the main type, but opportunity entrepreneurship gradually increasing; there exist individual differences, family differences, and urban-rural disparities in female entrepreneurship; factors such as education, age, class identification, number of children, family economic status, parental entrepreneurship experience, social insurance participation, and household registration all have a significant impact on female entrepreneurship. Based on the research results, suggestions are proposed to improve the policy support system for female entrepreneurship, strengthen the service guarantee for female entrepreneurship, and create a friendly atmosphere for female entrepreneurship.
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Credit Risk Evaluation of Listed Companies Based on KMV Model:Taking the Artificial Intelligence Industry as an Example
GE Teng-fei, BAI Zhong-shuai, XU Juan
Journal of Chaohu University    2020, 22 (6): 45-53.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2020.06.006
Online available: 02 February 2021

Abstract960)      PDF(pc) (1516KB)(1211)       Save
Credit risk is one of the main risks of listed companies. As an emerging industry, artificial intelligence industry has attracted much attention from investors and society, and its credit risk is emphasized by the company management. This paper takes the listed companies in artificial intelligence industry as the research object, employs KMV model to conduct quantitative analysis, calculates the point of default and the distance of default, and further works out the probability of default, which can be used as the estimated value to evaluate the credit risk status of listed companies. Then, taking the SME board, GEM and selected companies as examples, the paper analyzes the current situation and existing problems of credit risk in artificial intelligence industry through horizontal and vertical comparison, and puts forward countermeasures and suggestions.
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Interpreter "Interpreting" Intent: On Ken Liu's English Translation of Gender in Si Shen Yong Sheng in the Light of the Patronage
HE Yu-fang
Journal of Chaohu University    2022, 24 (5): 127-133+164.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2022.05.015
Abstract238)      PDF(pc) (1481KB)(1246)       Save
Death's End, the English version of Chinese science fiction Si Shen Yong Sheng, was published in foreign countries in 2016. The novel made it onto the New York Times Best-sellers List in its debut week, and was the winner of Locus Award and the nominee of Hugo Award in 2017. Apparently, such achievements prove that Ken Liu's translation of Si Shen Yong Sheng is successful. But some differences can be found in the content about gender between the Chinese version and the English version after close reading. In the light of the patronage, and with the help of text analysis and the answer from Ken Liu, the paper aims to analyze the English translation of gender in Si Shen Yong Sheng and research how the translator Ken Liu communicates and cooperates with the editor Liz, the representative of the publisher, and the author Liu Cixin in order to achieve the translation ecobalance in the translation community.
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Internet Self-Mockery: Emotional Communication under the Self - Stigmatization of Youth Groups
LI Xiao-mei, CHEN Min-jun
Journal of Chaohu University    2024, 26 (1): 24-29.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2024.01.004
Abstract69)      PDF(pc) (6766KB)(149)       Save
In recent years, against the backdrop of rapid social changes and intensified social competition, youth groups are increasingly facing new growth predicaments. Internet self-mockery, as a way for youth groups to resist mainstream values and relieve their own emotions, is continuously shaping the popular internet subculture. Through the unique perspective of emotional communication, this study finds that youth groups construct emotional communities seeking identity recognition and carry out self-stigmatization emotional communication through the emotional communication mechanism characterized by "imitation, induction, and coexistence" and through the expression of opposite emotions. Although internet self-mockery has become a new way for youth groups to self-adjust, it still reflects the psychological crisis of negative self-cognition among the youth, which necessitates social attention and reasonable guidance.
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Public Opinion and Judicial Trial of Zhu Shude's Suicide Case in 1931
ZHANG Hang-hang
Journal of Chaohu University    2024, 26 (1): 77-86.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2024.01.011
Abstract56)      PDF(pc) (11287KB)(145)       Save
During the period of the Republic of China, there were numerous incidents of suicide due to love. The suicide case of Zhu Shude, which occurred in Jinan in the early 1930s, was originally an ordinary love tragedy. However, under the multiple effects of the historical context, media, and human factors, it attracted widespread emotional participation from the public, thereby generating public sympathy. The aroused public sympathy, like a sharp blade, often evokes powerful criticism of the social and political order. However, public emotions are sometimes irrational, easily manipulated and used to challenge the authority of the legal system, and thus posing potential risks.
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The Causes and Countermeasures of College Students' Difficulty in Career Decisionmaking from the Perspective of Cognitive Information Processing Theory
WANG Gong-jing
Journal of Chaohu University    2021, 23 (5): 157-164.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2021.05.022
Abstract448)      PDF(pc) (1927KB)(1479)       Save
The Cognitive Information Processing Theory emphasizes that career decision-making is viewed from the perspective of information processing, which means the key to improve the job-seeker's ability of career choice is the connotation from accurate "cognition" to career choice. By studying the basic state of college students' career decision-making, through factor analysis, the factors creating college students' career decision-making difficulties are condensed into three aspects: "inadequate preparation", "lack of information" and "emotional factors". Countermeasures are put forward from three aspects: the knowledge domain, the decision-making skill domain, and the execution processing domain.
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Study on Modal Particles in Lujiang Dialect of Anhui Province
SU Yao, GUO Hui
Journal of Chaohu University    2024, 26 (1): 8-15+45.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2024.01.002
Abstract76)      PDF(pc) (7893KB)(162)       Save
According to different grammatical meanings, modal particles in Lujiang dialect are divided into three categories: Event modal particles, attitudinal modal particles, and interrogative modal particles. The modal particles in Lujiang dialect have distinct characteristics, with four main features: the total number is more than that in Mandarin; the modal particles used in declarative sentences in Lujiang dialect are less than those in Mandarin, indicating that people in Lujiang do not like to express emotions in a flat tone, and are prone to use changing rising or falling tones to convey mood; there is not a one-to-one correspondence between modal particles and moods in Lujiang dialect. The same mood can be expressed by different modal particles, and different moods can be expressed by the same modal particle, showing great flexibility; the modal particles in Lujiang dialect maintain a high similarity with the Jianghuai Mandarin (the region in which Lujiang is located), but some modal particles are unique, showing relative independence. The origin of some modal particles in Lujiang dialect was examined, and their grammaticalization paths were pointed out.
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Analysis on Lexical Deficiency and Translation Strategy of Business English Document Based on "bring-down"
XU Kun, CAO Zhao-hong, HU Ya-xin
Journal of Chaohu University    2021, 23 (4): 138-143+149.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2021.04.020
Abstract674)      PDF(pc) (1366KB)(1581)       Save
In international business activities like capital venture, public offerings, transnational M&A, financing, real estate transactions, the lexical deficiency often appears in the translation of business English documents. Based on the functional equivalence theory, the translation circle at home and abroad has rendered this phenomenon fundamental research. Taking the business document on the website of U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission as the main example, which contains compound words with bring-down, we find understandi ng and translating accurately the compound words can help deduce the corresponding Chinese words for bring-down. Throug h practical analysis, literal translation cannot resolve the lexical deficiency effectively, whereas transliteration, free translation and substitution can help readers comprehensively understand the meanings of the compound words. Based on translation practice, the amplification with business background can best solve the problem of lexical deficiency.
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Consensus Analysis of a Class of Event-triggered Impulse Multi-agent Systems
YANG Lin-qing, WU Xiao-tai
Journal of Chaohu University    2022, 24 (3): 56-59.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2022.03.008
Abstract307)      PDF(pc) (695KB)(891)       Save
In this paper, the consensus of time-delay multi-agent systems with leaders under disturbance of eventtriggered impulses is studied. Assuming that the impulse satisfies certain trigger rules, the consensus of time-delay multi-agent systems with leaders is studied by using Lyapunov stability theory and time-delay system stability analysis method, and the sufficient conditions for the consensus of multi-agent systems are obtained.
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Research on the Historical Origin and Inheritance Path of Anhui Red Culture from the Perspective of New Development Concept
Journal of Chaohu University    2022, 24 (6): 33-38+97.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2022.06.004
Abstract343)      PDF(pc) (1212KB)(684)       Save
In accurately grasping the new development stage, implementing the new development concept, accelerating the construction of a new development pattern, and promoting the key step of high-quality development during the 14th Five Year Plan, summing up the major achievements and historical experience of the CPC in its hundred years of effort, red culture is an important spiritual pillar and source of strength to inherit the party's red blood and carry forward the party's fine tradition. We should take the "new development concept" of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing as the important guiding ideology, summarize the achievements and problems in the inheritance and dissemination of red culture in Anhui Province, explore the historical origin of Anhui's rich red culture, and explore effective ways to inherit and spread Anhui's red culture, so as to activate Anhui red gene, tell Anhui red stories well, and adhere to the self-confidence of red culture.
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The Development of Examination Halls in Taihe County of Anhui Province in the Late Qing Dynasty
XU Lu LI Xiao
Journal of Chaohu University    2023, 25 (1): 95-102.  
Abstract202)      PDF(pc) (1104KB)(921)       Save
The large number of county-level examination halls in the late Qing Dynasty marked the beginning of the imperial examination system to sink into the local grassroots society. Taking Taihe County in northwest Anhui Province as an example, this article found that the "magnificent" examination hall in Taihe County was built in the 22nd year of Daoguang (1842). In order to emphasize the selection of talents, the county governor Lei Shixia ordered the construction of the examination hall, which was supported by the local Li family. The hall was located in the southeast of the country, adjacent to the main roads and close to the local Confucian temple, leading to the gathering of imperial examination landscapes. Because of its large-scale and well-preserved buildings, the Taihe County examination hall was transformed into a new-style school in 1903 to develop local new-style school education. In short, the building of the examination hall embodied the spirit of the impartial imperial examination, which was conducive to the fair selection of talents at the local level and had positive significance.
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Building Multi-Dimensional Space with Irony: An Interpretation of A History of the World in 10½Chapters
ZHAI Ya-di
Journal of Chaohu University    2024, 26 (1): 87-93.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2024.01.012
Abstract42)      PDF(pc) (444KB)(151)       Save
With irony, Julian Barnes builds multi-dimensional space of A History of the World in 10?Chapters on four layers, and manifests its polyphonic meanings: It parodies official history on the layer of structure and narrative mode; by using repetitive images, it negates progressiveness of history; it presents inter-questionable and dialogical concepts in a single story through the insufficiency of language; in the metaphysical sense, it denies the possibility of resolving contradictions. By means of irony, in this work the author fights against mainstream authoritative discourse and shows his distaste of reality; at the same time, he questions ultimate truth and reveals his disbelief of the ideal world. Built multi-dimensionally, this novel metaphorizes and symbolizes the complexity of the world and the absurdity of human existence. Irony is the paintbrush for Barnes to draw the complexity and absurdity of the world, but also the weapon to fight against absurdity so to find the meaning of individual and community existence.
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New Directions in the Cultivation of Journalism Ethics Talents in the AIGC Era: Inspiration from the Practice of Journalism Ethics Education in the United States for China
Journal of Chaohu University    2024, 26 (1): 114-120.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2024.01.016
Abstract54)      PDF(pc) (7450KB)(130)       Save
In the AIGC era, facing frequent ethical issues such as fake news and privacy infringement, cultivating journalism ethics talents to rebuild and enhance public trust in journalism has become particularly important. This study attempts to analyze the experiences and dilemmas of journalism ethics talent cultivation in the United States, in order to provide a reference for journalism ethics education in China and achieve five "new" orientations: new content—promoting a comprehensive process of ethics education in large classrooms; new targets—providing ethical services to society; new methods—adopting platform dialogue-style learning and research; new professions—promoting the transformation of teachers into AI prompt engineers; and new talents—fostering talents with "three capabilities" and "dual integration". These recommendations are proposed based on the specific conditions in the context of China and have significant practical reference value for promoting innovation in China's journalism ethics education.
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A Study on the Evolution of Economic Spatial Network Structure in Hefei–Nanjing Metropolitan Area
WANG Qi-hui, WANG Shu-chao
Journal of Chaohu University    2023, 25 (6): 1-9.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2023.06.001
Abstract99)      PDF(pc) (2885KB)(182)       Save
A gravity model was constructed based on the comprehensive city quality and the bidirectional time distance to analyze the spatial and temporal pattern of the economic relations between Hefei and Nanjing two cities. The spatial structure of the urban economic network was explored by social network analysis. The findings are as follows: The economic connection strength of Hefei–Nanjing metropolitan area is led by two cores, with a "strong east, weak west" and "strong central, weak north and south" pattern; The interaction among circles is weak, and the potential for coordinated development in the intersection area is huge; The positive externality of economic network connection in Hefei has not been fully developed. The economic network is getting more closely connected, but not to a high level, and the structural stability is weak; The resource radiation capacity of the metropolitan area is stronger than its resource agglomeration capacity on the whole; The situation of the core city being "dominant" has changed, and the imbalance of regional economic connections has been improved. The geographical proximity of the cohesive subgroups is strong, but the composition of the cities is unstable, and the cohesion of the subgroups within the Nanjing metropolitan area is relatively strong. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the inter-circle connection, create integrated transportation, build a scientific and technological innovation community, and jointly promote the city-industry integration.
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Regional Dissemination of Research and Learning: Internal Communication and External Interaction of Anhui School of Mathematics in Qing Dynasty
ZHU Han-rui
Journal of Chaohu University    2021, 23 (2): 97-105.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2021.02.014
Abstract739)      PDF(pc) (1356KB)(1357)       Save
In the Qing Dynasty, a group of scholars who made great achievements in the field of arithmetic emerged in southern Anhui, forming a distinctive Anhui school of mathematics. Within the school, knowledge was transmitted directly by means of family chains and teacher-friend chains. The dissemination and communication also rely on reading, mutual commentary, debate, mutual collation, contribution of prefaces or postscripts, etc. The diversity of communication brought prosperity to the Anhui Mathematics School. In addition, Anhui Mathematics School also interacted with scholars outside Anhui province in a similar way, most of whom are from neighboring provinces of Anhui, which proves the regionality of the academic dissemination and communication. Though this rather closed circle confined the expansion of Anhui Mathematics School as well as its academic broadcasting, it is also conducive to the formation of distinctive academic views and its traditional self-identification.
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Women's Dilemma and Emotional Salvation in The Peony Pavilion and Pear Blossom Dream
LIU Lu-lu, JIANG Xiao-ping
Journal of Chaohu University    2023, 25 (5): 87-93.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2023.05.011
Abstract82)      PDF(pc) (1181KB)(261)       Save
The opera story The Peony Pavilion created by Tang Xianzu shocked the opera circle, and its influence can be seen in the Pear Blossom Dream by He Peizhu, a Huizhou female playwright in Qing Dynasty. Her imitation of The Peony Pavilion was not limited to the plot and character setting. Her Pear Blossom Dream inherited the strong humanistic care in the former one, and deeply presented the complex emotions of women. Both Tang Xianzu and He Peizhu started from the dilemma of women, and showed the complicated psychological journey of their respective female protagonists Du Liniang and Du Lanxian from "being at a loss" to "salvation". Due to the differences in story style and plot, as well as in gender and emotional needs of male and female writers, the images of Du Liniang and Du Lanxian are quite distinct from each other. By comparing the different female images in the works of male and female writers, we can not only see the changes and development of female images, but also understand the spiritual world and emotional pursuit of female writers in the Ming and Qing dynasties.
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Research on the Path of Young People's Historical Initiative in the New Era
ZHOU Li-qiong, WANG Min
Journal of Chaohu University    2023, 25 (2): 7-13+29.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2023.02.002
Abstract857)      PDF(pc) (768KB)(1005)       Save
The historical initiative spirit is the character refined in various historical periods when the CPC led the people to work tirelessly to change the destiny of the nation and the country, is the spiritual key to continue the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and is the logical starting point that conforms to the core values of socialism for the new era youth. The historical initiative of young people in the new era is based on the theory of critically inheriting historical materialism, nurtured on the cultural keynote of China's excellent traditional culture, and born in the historical endurance struggle. The historical initiative spirit and the unique value of ideological and political education of young people in the new era are explored, which are mainly manifested in the cognitive aspect of deepening the quality of historical materialism, the belief aspect of casting historical confidence, and the practice aspect of enhancing historical initiative. In view of this, young people in the new era must strengthen their theoretical abilities and promote the unity of knowledge and practice, learn from models and establish lofty ideals, adhere to the original mission and enhance responsibility, and make good use of historical methods to promote integrity and innovation.
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Research on the Teaching Reform Path of First-Class Courses in Marketing Major in Applied Universities
Journal of Chaohu University    2024, 26 (1): 121-128.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2024.01.017
Abstract55)      PDF(pc) (8664KB)(131)       Save
Applied universities with marketing majors are actively deepening educational teaching reform and talent training models. In response to pain points such as superficial ideological and political education, outdated teaching resources, difficulties in interactive teaching methods, and evaluation systems with few dimensions, the reform of first-class course teaching adheres to focusing on majors, courses, textbooks, and teachers, grasping the macro level of disciplines and majors, emphasizing teaching organization at the middle level, and expanding course resources at the micro level. Empirical exploration has created a "five-star" teaching model, namely, reshaping the system, structuring the model; exploring the process, innovating teaching; building a platform, teaching patiently; integrating ideological and political education, enhancing confidence; continuous improvement, morality education. Then, ac cording to the characteristics of students in applied undergraduate colleges, combined with simulation and other platforms, emphasizing practice, the path of curriculum teaching reform in marketing majors in applied universities has been summarized, effectively solving the problems in teaching reform, which is of reference significance for ap plied undergraduate colleges to comprehensively and continuously promote curriculum reform.
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Communication Thoughts on Network Popular Memes in the Age of Social Media—from the Perspective of "Six Learning"
TIAN Miao-qi YU Gui
Journal of Chaohu University    2020, 22 (1): 97-103.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2020.01.014
Abstract1947)      PDF(pc) (1335KB)(2432)       Save
 In the era of social media, the popular Internet memes change rapidly. Behind the Internet carnival, problems such as the rampant internet violence and the expansion of language gap between different groups have emerged. The rise and decline of "six learning" meme completely presents the communication life cycle of a popular network meme. Taking "six learning" as the starting point, this paper analyzes the meme fission communication and audience-oriented communication characteristics of the popular Internet meme. Focusing on the hidden problems exposed in the process of network meme communication, this paper puts forward solutions from three aspects: new media, KOL ecology and the new and old discourse system, in the hope of improving the network public opinion environment.
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Study on Agricultural Production Responsibility System in Wuwei County of Anhui Province (1978—1980)
DING Yin-sheng
Journal of Chaohu University    2023, 25 (5): 19-27.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2023.05.003
Abstract138)      PDF(pc) (792KB)(398)       Save
The implementation of agricultural production responsibility system is the most important economic system reform in rural China after the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee in 1978, which promoted the liberation and development of productive forces. Wuwei County is located in the Jianghuai area, with a large population and yet inadequate land. During the period of agricultural collectivization, its agricultural development stagnated, so Wuwei County was in urgent need of reform. Wanli went to Wuwei many times to give guidance when he was in charge of Anhui, making Wuwei a pioneer in agricultural production responsibility system reform. Through the investigation and analysis of the evolution process of agricultural production responsibility system in Wuwei County, the paper discusses the attitudes of and measures by the central, provincial and local governments to the responsibility system reform at that time, in order to reveal the complexity and twists of the reform of agricultural production responsibility system in Wuwei County.
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YAO Cheng
Journal of Chaohu University    2018, 20 (5): 133-137.  
Abstract705)      PDF(pc) (230KB)(1280)       Save
Wide Sargasso Sea is the last work of Jean Rhys who is a British Caribbean female writer. It truly describes miserable fates of Creole women as "the other" under the double oppression of colonialism and patriarchy. Through analyzing fates of the heroine′s mother, her aunt and herself, the paper reveals tragic fates of Creole women in the context of white male culture.
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New Changes and Countermeasures for Employment of College Graduates under the Background of COVID-19
JIN Jing
Journal of Chaohu University    2020, 22 (2): 16-22.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2020.02.003
Accepted: 14 June 2020
Online available: 14 June 2020

Abstract2079)      PDF(pc) (795KB)(1678)       Save
Under the influence of the COVID-19 epidemic, the employment of college graduates is facing three pressures: the continuous increase of the number of graduates, the decline of social economy and the epidemic situation. In a certain period of time, the number of people losing jobs will be increasing, and the demand of the employment market for new graduates is greatly reduced compared with the same period last year. In the process of graduates’ employment, colleges and universities should actively explore a new mode of work from "offline" to "comprehensively online", change the traditional "face-to-face" centralized guidance, improve the "personalized" employment guidance rate, and pay attention to the change of "close relationship" of graduates. Facing the new changes in employment, universities should change employment guidance thinking and explore the new mode of "Internet plus employment", build a network service platform to realize the network operation of employment, pay attention to the online employment safety and improve graduates’ ability to guard, pay attention to the psychological problems in the employment process and open up new channels for network counselling, strengthen the support for key groups and improve the tracking guidance, so as to promote the steady development of graduates’ employment and guarantee the employment service for graduates.
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A Cognitive Approach to Semantic Extension of MAO (HAT) and MAO-based Expressions
LI Shu-kang
Journal of Chaohu University    2022, 24 (1): 134-139+152.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2022.01.019
Abstract320)      PDF(pc) (1505KB)(992)       Save
In modern Chinese clothing words, the words with mao entails abundant cultural and social connotations. According to cognitive linguistics, conceptual metaphor and metonymy are two basic linguistic mechanisms and fundamental thinking patterns. Based on the present corpora, the study approaches the semantic network and extension of the words with mao from the perspective of cognitive linguistics, aiming to disclose their cultural connotations. It is found that the semantic changes of the words with mao are the result of the mechanisms of conceptual metaphor, conceptual metonymy, and conceptual blending.
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On Jan Assman's Cultural Memory Theory
LI Ke-xin
Journal of Chaohu University    2022, 24 (6): 81-88.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2022.06.009
Abstract906)      PDF(pc) (1007KB)(920)       Save
In recent years, the research on the concept of cultural memory and its carrier has become a hot topic in academia. The concept of "cultural memory" was first proposed by the German cultural scholar Jan Assmann. He drew the memory discourse into the theoretical framework of cultural studies, and expressed the cultural and identity function of memory from the external dimension of human memory. On this basis, he systematically explained the construction theory of cultural memory. In order to clarify the concept of cultural memory by Jan Assmann, this paper intends to examine the theoretical connotation of cultural memory from the spatial and temporal dimensions. It not only shows the profound space-time contained in cultural memory, witnesses the "inexhaustible visual explosive power in space" and "unweakened continuous ability in time" of cultural memory, and explains the healing power of cultural memory in time and space shuttle. At the same time, with the spatial return and time reconstruction of cultural memory as the breakthrough point, the dynamic process of the spatial and temporal construction of cultural memory is sketched out, and the meaning code of memory is broken, so as to explore the essence and significance of the theory of cultural memory theory.
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Journal of Chaohu University    2018, 20 (5): 17-20.  
Abstract349)      PDF(pc) (174KB)(1289)       Save
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Practice Research on Interactive Design Mode of Dynamic Posters
WANG Dong-mei, WU Dao-yi
Journal of Chaohu University    2023, 25 (2): 90-96+132.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2023.02.012
Abstract425)      PDF(pc) (3940KB)(920)       Save
Interactive design is an information expression of people, products and services, which is widely used in modern media design. It is particularly important to enhance the interactive innovative design of dynamic posters. This paper aims to study the interactive design mode of dynamic posters through interactive mode, design innovation and creative expression. On the basis of exploring the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of dynamic poster design, this paper analyzes and studies the interactive characteristics of dynamic posters from the perspective of new media, and creatively expresses by combining visual language expression, spatial logic architecture and interactive fusion design; it provides the dynamic poster design ideas for Chinese calligraphy rings, further summarizing the design approaches and interactive design methods of dynamic posters. The practice of this design mode will provide guidance and reference for future poster design, and the methods can promote the diversified development of dynamic poster design.
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Order Construction: Artistic Characteristics and Cultural Roots of Folk Lantern Festivals in the Chaohu Lake Region
LI Shu-qing, LIN Kai, HAN Rong-xun
Journal of Chaohu University    2024, 26 (1): 1-7.   DOI: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2024.01.001
Abstract76)      PDF(pc) (6983KB)(134)       Save
Lantern festivals are popular folk activities in the Chaohu Lake region, characterized by their variety, wide distribution, and significant influence. From a macro perspective and through comparative research methods, this study explores the connection and rules between the explicit individual characteristics and implicit common essence of lantern festivals in the Chaohu region, constructing the order features that run through the visual art, activity procedures, and cultural origins of the lantern festivals. Based on rural spaces, the Chaohu lantern festivals indirectly construct a cross-border social spatial order with their unique ceremonial performances at traditional festivals. They have invisibly achieved the orderliness and standardization of local rural and town life, objectively reflecting the prominent features and good qualities of the Chaohu regional culture, which could help promote the protection and inheritance of the intangible cultural heritage in the Chaohu Lake region.
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