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25 November 2019, Volume 21 Issue 6
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  • CONTENTS(Vol.21  No.6  Nov.25,2019)
    Editorial Department of Journal of Chaohu University
    2019, 21(6):  0-0. 
    Abstract ( 692 )   PDF (328KB) ( 927 )   Save
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    CONTENTS(Vol.21  No.6  Nov.25,2019)
    Analysis and Forecast on the Coordinated Development of Human Settlement Environment and High Quality Economy in Hefei under the New Development Concept
    LIU Rui
    2019, 21(6):  1-9.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2019.06.001
    Abstract ( 1036 )   PDF (1014KB) ( 1175 )   Save
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    Based on constructing the evaluation index system for the coordinated development of human settlement environment and high quality economy, entropy weight method, coupling coordination degree model and dynamic coordination degree model were used to evaluate the development level of human settlement environment and high quality economy and analyze the characteristics of coordinated evolution of the two systems in Hefei. The obstacle degree model was used to analyze the obstacle factors of its coordinated development. Finally the grey GM(1,1)model was used to predict the future dynamic coordination degree of the two systems. The results show that: (1)The human settlement environment and the high-quality economic development level show the same time sequence characteristics in Hefei from 2012 to 2017; the development process can be divided into the lagging stage of human settlement environment and the lagging stage of high-quality economic development.(2)The degree of  coordination  increased year by year; its value increased from 0.2732 in 2012 to 0.6525 in 2017; the growth rate of coordination
    degree showed a trend of slowing down; the coordination state has experienced the transformation from the primary disorder to the primary coordination; the degree of dynamic coordination has been increasing steadily.(3)Sulfur dioxide content in the air, per capita housing construction area, per capita daily life water consumption, balance of financial institutions loans, per unit GDP electricity consumption, total import and export development speed are the main obstacles to the coordinated development of human settlement environment and high quality economy in Hefei.(4)In the next few years, dynamic coordination degree will show a trend of continuous improvement.
    The Spatial Construction of Leisure Tourism around Chaohu Lake Based on Fuzzy Clustering Evaluation
    ZHAO Yu-jie, CHU Xiao-le, .ZHANG Hai-zhou
    2019, 21(6):  10-17.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2019.06.002
    Abstract ( 1013 )   PDF (2593KB) ( 1367 )   Save
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    Leisure tourism space construction is an innovation path to explore the transformation and upgrading of tourism destination and leisure man-land relationship. Based on the production of space, this paper takes Chaohu tourism area as the research object, and constructs the spatial content system of leisure tourism by fuzzy clustering evaluation of the resources. From the connotation of tourism physical space, tourism symbol space and tourism communication space, this paper discusses how to construct leisure tourism space around Chaohu Lake to meet the diversified and deep leisure needs of modern tourists in the process of tourism development. The result is of practical significance for leisure tourism transformation and upgrading of lake tourist attractions and other tourism destinations.
    On the Relationship Between Exchange Rate System Reform, Real Exchange Rate and Industrial Upgrading
    ZHAO Hua-chun, Jeffrey Forrest
    2019, 21(6):  18-25.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2019.06.003
    Abstract ( 901 )   PDF (699KB) ( 1215 )   Save
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    By constructing the model of industrial upgrading, real exchange rate and exchange rate system reform,the relationship between exchange rate system reform, real exchange rate and industrial upgrading is deeply studied by using EG two-step, ARCH and GARCH methods. The rise of the RMB exchange rate will help China忆s industrial upgrading, but the upgrading of different industries affected by the RMB exchange rate is asymmetry. The RMB exchange rate has greater impact on light industry upgrading and smaller impact on heavy industry upgrading. Relatively loose, flexible RMB exchange rate system has a positive impact on industrial upgrading. Finally, according to the research results, the corresponding policy recommendations are put forward
    Research on the Impact Mechanism of Emotional Labor Strategy on Job Satisfaction ——A Moderated Mediation Model
    FANG Shu-miao
    2019, 21(6):  26-33+58.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2019.06.004
    Abstract ( 1218 )   PDF (1040KB) ( 1409 )   Save
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    SPSS22.0 and AMOS22.0 software were used to analyze the data from multiple perspectives, to study the influence mechanism of different emotional labor strategies adopted by service industry employees on job satisfaction, and to analyze the mediating effect and regulating effect in the influence path based on the resource conservation theory. The results show that: surface performance strategy has a significant negative impact on job satisfaction; deep performance and natural performance strategy has a significant positive impact on job satisfaction;emotional exhaustion plays an intermediary role in the influence of three emotional labor strategies on job satisfaction; perceived organizational support plays a moderating role in the negative effects of deep expression and natural expression on emotional exhaustion.
    An Empirical Research on Managers忆Overconfidence, Payment-Methods and M&A Performance
    CAO Mei-xia, ZHANG Ying-wei
    2019, 21(6):  34-41.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2019.06.005
    Abstract ( 972 )   PDF (726KB) ( 1194 )   Save
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    From the perspective of behavioral finance, we select the Shanghai and Shenzhen A-share listed companies that completed the M&A activities from 2015 to 2017 as a sample to study the influence of managers overconfidence and payment-method on M&A performance. In addition, under the condition of controlling the overconfidence variables of managers, the payment method is taken as the regulating variable, and the interaction item between the payment method and the overconfidence of managers is added to the model to study the regulating effect of the payment method on the overconfidence of managers and the performance of acquired companies. The results show that: the managers忆overconfidence has a significant negative impact on the performance of the acquired company; the cash payment-method has a significant positive impact on the performance of the acquired company; the cash payment-method has a positive regulation on the relationship between the managers忆overconfidence and the acquired company忆s performance.
    Evaluation of Ecological Efficiency of Low Carbon City Based on Laspeyres Model——Taking Jiangxi Ganjiang New District as an Example
    LI Wei-hao
    2019, 21(6):  42-50.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2019.06.006
    Abstract ( 941 )   PDF (1209KB) ( 1003 )   Save
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    As global warming becomes more and more serious, energy conservation and emission reduction has become one of the important goals of China忆s current economic development. As the newly established national new district in China, the Ganjiang New District is also included in the national low-carbon cities. How to take this opportunity to develop a low-carbon economy will directly affect the future sustainable development of the Ganjiang New District. In this paper, the Laspeyres exponential decomposition method is adopted, and the specific effect indicators are selected. The changes of carbon productivity before and after the establishment of the Ganjiang New District and the contribution of each index to carbon productivity are analyzed and studied. The results show that the overall situation is that the establishment of the new district has promoted the improvement of carbon productivity to a certain extent, but from the perspective of the industry, the contribution of different industries to carbon
    productivity are varied, and the situation is not optimistic. To realize the low-carbon economy development of the Ganjiang New District, we must establish the concept of green finance, adjust industrial institutions to eliminate backward production capacity, rationally allocate limited carbon emission space, and improve the comprehensive utilization level of natural resources.
    The Choice of Network Nodes of Urban Underground Logistics System Based on Greedy Algorithm
    FANG Long-xiang, YU Xue-yu
    2019, 21(6):  51-58.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2019.06.007
    Abstract ( 1035 )   PDF (1699KB) ( 1111 )   Save
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    In this paper, we solve the network nodes of underground logistics system by constructing a set coverage model and using greedy algorithm based on the data of Hefei忆s Second Ring and its surrounding areas. By comparing with the results from the 0-1 integer programming algorithm, these results are more in accordance with the real situation.
    Approximation by Bivariate(p, q)-Bernstein-Schurer-Kantorovich Operators
    ZHA Xing-xing, LIU Xiang-guo, WANG Xiao-yan
    2019, 21(6):  59-64.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2019.06.008
    Abstract ( 909 )   PDF (725KB) ( 1072 )   Save
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    In this paper, we use the bivariatep,q-Riemann integral to construct the bivariate p,q- Bernstein-Schurer-Kantorovich operator, and prove the uniform convergence of the bivariate operator. The approximation speed of the binary function under special conditions is discussed, which further promotes some approximation conclusions of the unary operator.

    Some Properties of GP-Flat Modules
    WANG Xiu-jian, GAN De-jun, HUANG Xin-yu, LI Fu-jun
    2019, 21(6):  65-69.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2019.06.009
    Abstract ( 854 )   PDF (753KB) ( 1127 )   Save
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    Firstly, GP-flat modules which are more widely than flat modules are introduced in the paper, the equivalent characterization of GP-flat modules, direct product and direct sum, and the relation of GP-flat modules and GP-injective modules are discussed. Secondly, some special rings are discussed by GP-flat modules. Finally,we described GP-flat dimensions and discussed some relations between GP-flat dimensions and GP-regular rings and IGPF rings.
    On Accelerated Gradient Approximation for Least Square Regression with L1-regularization
    CHENG Yi-yuan, FEI Jing-tai
    2019, 21(6):  70-74.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2019.06.010
    Abstract ( 764 )   PDF (1070KB) ( 1396 )   Save
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    In this paper, we have in-depth and systematic research on the convergence rate of stochastic optimization problems; the least-square regression problem that the objective function consists of the L1 regular term is concerned and an effective accelerating stochastic approximation algorithm is proposed. Based on a non-strong convexity condition and using a smooth function to approximate the L1-regular term, the convergence speed of the learning algorithm is considered, and we obtain the convergence speed of the algorithm. This conclusion is superior to the previous convergence results.
    Reasoning of the Question of Central Force in Conic Motion and Advantage Analysis of the Kinetic Energy Derivative Method
    SHAO Yun
    2019, 21(6):  75-79.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2019.06.011
    Abstract ( 765 )   PDF (780KB) ( 1170 )   Save
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    This paper introduces a method of finding central force by derivative of the kinetic energy of a particle in a polar coordinate system to the radius vector, called the kinetic energy derivative method. The central gravity acting on a moving particle in a conic curve is obtained by this method, and then the potential energy function and the conserved total energy of the particle are obtained in this paper. The function of kinetic energy expressed as radius vector and the conservation of angular momentum are the premises of the above reasoning. Compared with Binet忆s formula method, it is found that the reasoning process of kinetic energy derivative method is simpler and the physical meaning of the energy derived is clearer. The expression of total energy is another important conclusion of this paper, which has universal applicability. The reasoning ideas and conclusions of the article may provide some reference for the teaching of related content.
    Effects of Experimental Parameters on Properties of Laser-induced Cu Plasma
    FU Yuan-xia, XU Li, XIAO Wei
    2019, 21(6):  80-85.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2019.06.012
    Abstract ( 789 )   PDF (2218KB) ( 960 )   Save
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    The sample temperature (copper), ICCD delay influence on laser induced Cu plasma characteristics were studied. Through the wavelength of 532nm emitting laser focus on the copper, using the optical receiver accept atoms and ions in the plasma emission spectrum, then the spectrum and the signal to noise ratio were obtained. The results are shown as follows: Considering the local heat balance condition and the stronger spectral line and signal-to-noise ratio, from 110ns to 500ns, the optimal gate width is 500ns; from 200ns to 600ns, the optimal delay is 600ns; Copper temperature from room temperature to 110益, the higher the temperature of the copper, the better the signal-to-noise ratio, so that 110益is the optimal parameters. Lorentz fitting and gaussian fitting were used to obtain the intensity I value of the spectral line and the half-height and full width (FWHM) of the selected spectral line, so as to calculate the electron temperature and electron density of the Cu plasma corresponding to the selected experimental parameters, and then obtain the evolution trend diagram of the electron temperature and electron density with the sample temperature and delay. The copper temperature from 20益to 110益, the electron temperature from 4752K to 7231K;the delay ranges from 200ns to 800ns, and the electron temperature drops from 14230K to 1160K. During the experiment, a spectral line with a wavelength of 465.2nm of Cu was selected, and the electron collision coefficient of the spectral line was consulted to calculate the value of electron density. Then the copper temperature from 20 to 110, the electron density rose from 2.041 cm-3 to 2.732 cm-3;When the delay of ICCD between 200ns and 800ns,the electron density decreased from 3.51 cm-3 to 2.149 cm-3.
    Preparation and Electrochemical Performance of Tin Oxide/Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites
    XU Xiao-bing, XU Xiao-yong, LI Ming-ling
    2019, 21(6):  86-94.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2019.06.013
    Abstract ( 955 )   PDF (5160KB) ( 1316 )   Save
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    Anode materials in many commercial lithium-ion batteries are composed of graphite. In fact, theoretical capacities of SnO2 are far greater than that of graphite. But it also results in a large initial irreversible capacity and a poor capacity retention due to the volume expansion/contraction of Sn during alloying/dealloying reactions with Li+. MWCNTs not only have a higher capacity than graphite, but also they can be used as a support matrix forming novel metal/MWCNT composites which can take advantage of the higher capacity of metals and prevent the problem of pulverization too. In this work, SnO2 /MWCNTs nanocomposites were fabricated by chemical deposition method.SnO2 nanoparticles can be deposited on the outside and inner surfaces of the MWCNTs. It was proved that the content and inner diameter of MWCNTs in the nanocomposite electrodes indeed played a dominant role in improving the reversible capacity and cycling stability of lithium-ion batteries.
    Ultrasound-assisted Extraction Process and Antioxidant Activity of Bletilla Striata Polysaccharide
    WU Meng-qing
    2019, 21(6):  95-101.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2019.06.014
    Abstract ( 1050 )   PDF (1864KB) ( 1860 )   Save
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    Bletilla striata polysaccharide has many applications and development prospects in medicine and food science. In this experiment, the polysaccharides from Bletilla striata were extracted by ultrasonic-assisted extraction method. The single factor experiment and orthogonal experiment were used to find the best conditions and then identified its structure. The traditional water extraction method and ultrasonic extraction method were used to compare antioxidant activity of Bletilla striata polysaccharide. According to the data, the optimal extraction process conditions were obtained: the ultrasonic power was 400 W, the ratio of material to liquid was 1:35 g/mL, and the ultrasonic time was 50 min. The yield of the polysaccharide was 8.18% + 0.04% under this condition. The scavenging rate of DPPH?and?OH of Bletilla striata polysaccharide by ultrasonic-assisted extraction method was higher than
    by traditional water extraction method. The polysaccharides obtained by the two extraction methods showed no significant difference in ABTS+?clearance rate, and none of them had O2-?clearing ability.
    Preparation and Quality Evaluation of Astragalus Polysaccharide Capsule Shell
    ZHU Shuang-shuang, YANG Tao, WANG Wei, ZHANG Kai, ZHANG Shan-shan
    2019, 21(6):  102-109.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2019.06.015
    Abstract ( 639 )   PDF (1361KB) ( 1359 )   Save
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    The plant-type capsule shell can overcome many shortcomings of the commercially available gelatin capsule shell, such as water-resistance hardening, water absorption softening, difficult source control, poor patient compliance, etc., and has a good development prospect. In this experiment, plant polysaccharide capsule shells were prepared by using Astragalus polysaccharide as a film-forming material, and quality evaluation was carried out.Taking the moisture permeability of the free film of Astragalus polysaccharide and the cysticity of capsule shell as the evaluation index, the quality of Astragalus polysaccharide, the type of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, the quality of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, glycerin and the effect of volume on the capsule shell of Astragalus polysaccharides were investigated by single factor experiment and orthogonal design experiment; friability, tightness and in vitro release were evaluated. According to the data, the optimal prescription of Astragalus polysaccharide capsule shell
    is 0.75 g of Astragalus polysaccharide, 150,000 mPa?s of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, 1.3 g of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, 2.0 mL of glycerol, and homemade capsule shell. The friability and tightness meet the requirements of the pharmacopoeia; the moisture permeability of the free film of Astragalus polysaccharide prepared under these conditions is g?mmm-2?h-1?kPa-1, which is low; the capsule shell has a cystic score of 11 points, so the cysticity is good. The self-made capsule shell has the friability and tightness in accordance with the requirements of the pharmacopoeia, and the in vitro release test shows that it has a sustained release effect.
    Analysis on Shear Strain Field for High Manganese Non-magnetic Steel in Hot Asymmetrical Rolling Process Using the Finite Element Method
    ZHAO Jun, ZHOU Yu, WANG Xiao-yu, TONG Xuan-bao
    2019, 21(6):  110-115.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2019.03.016
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    Based on rigid-plastic finite element method, the asymmetrical rolling process of high manganese nonmagnetic steel was simulated by finite element software MSC.Marc. The influence of rolling temperature, reduction rate and speed ratio on the shear strain of upper, lower surface and center of the middle section during rolling was analyzed. The results show that: when the speed ratio is 1.00, the shear strain at the center of slab is zero and increases gradually from the center to the surface. With the increase of speed ratio and reduction rate, the absolute value of the maximum shear strain of the middle and lower surface nodes increases, and the absolute value of the maximum shear strain of the upper surface increases first, then decreases. With the increase of rolling temperature,the absolute value of maximum shear strain of upper and lower surface nodes shows a downward trend, while the absolute value of maximum shear strain of intermediate nodes shows an upward trend. The variation of speed ratio and reduction rate has a great influence on the distribution of shear strain, while the variation of rolling temperature has less influence on the distribution of shear strain.
    Indoor Positioning Research Based on Embedded Platform and kNN Algorithm
    ZHANG Hui, HE Qian
    2019, 21(6):  116-126.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2019.06.017
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    This paper proposes an indoor positioning study based on embedded platform and kNN algorithm, and locates the model in the experimental environment. First, the RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)reader collects RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication)and sends the data to the embedded platform. After receiving the value,the kNN (k-Nearest Neighbor)algorithm is used to determine the target position, which can achieve higher accuracy positioning. The algorithm code uses Python language, and the hardware platform adopts ARM architecture.
    This method has the advantages of small size, simple code and convenient porting.
    A New Control Strategy and Simulation of Four-Axis Aircraft Attitude Angle
    SUN Chun-hu, FANG Yuan-jie, WANG Jing, LI Hao-dong
    2019, 21(6):  127-132.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2019.06.018
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    The four-axis aircraft attitude angle system is a nonlinear, strongly coupled and multi-variable complex system. The four-axis aircraft usually adopts PID control, but the PID control has the disadvantages of low precision and vulnerability to interference. To this end, a new four-axis aircraft attitude angle control method and simulation is introduced. Firstly, the mathematical modeling and analysis of the four-axis aircraft attitude angle system is carried out, and a simplified mathematical model is obtained. Then a new attitude angle control method is proposed and the attitude control effect and anti-interference performance of the new control system are obtained. Simulink modeling is carried out with the performance of the anti -control object. Finally, the simulated attitude angle Simulink simulation model is simulated. The simulation results show that the new attitude angle control method achieves stable and precise control of the attitude angle. The anti-interference is good. After the interference is removed, the attitude angle can quickly return to stability. When the control object changes, the attitude angle can still maintain a stable value; the system has certain reference and application value.
    Research on the Comprehensive Evaluation of the Quality of "Double First-Class" Higher Education Based on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Model
    SUN Ji-hong, WANG Chuan-hui, ZHAO Xiao-yun
    2019, 21(6):  133-139.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2019.06.019
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    By studying the status of the development of higher education in China, this paper finds that there are the following problems in the current training of talents in higher education: lack of innovative talents, uneven distribution of talents, insufficient efforts in talent training, low utilization rate of development and lack of a good research environment; At the same time, it is also found that in the construction of quality higher education, there are a series of problems, such as the lack of funding and the decline of enrollment quality. In addition, there are also many defects and deficiencies in the quality evaluation of higher education. In view of the above situation, this paper uses principal component analysis to estimate the weight, constructs the intuitionistic fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model, and makes a comprehensive evaluation on the educational quality of "double first-class" universities in China. The study finds that about 48.7% of people think that the current "double first-class" universities have
    excellent education quality; 31.9% think that the education quality is good; 19.3% think that the education quality is medium; 0.12% think that the education quality is poor. Finally, some policy suggestions are put forward.
    Machine Vision-based Experimental Teaching Design of "Three Layers and Four Structures" and Preliminary Results#br#
    ZHANG Lei, ZHOU Sheng, LI Jing-song
    2019, 21(6):  140-146.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2019.06.020
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    The research is combined with the latest trend in science and technology: structural light-based machine vision technology. The experimental teaching design of "three layers and four structures" based on the experimental teaching platform of machine vision was carried out: learning verification experiments, research verification experiments, exploration innovation experiments and engineering innovation experiments. To realize targeted and task-driven experimental education for students with different learning levels and interest directions, so as to reflect the training goal of diversified talents, students are guided to start from software simulation, to achieving the overall integrated structure design in comprehensive experimental learning. Students could perceive the charm of creative learning and the transformation of undergraduate teaching from "teaching well" to "learning well" is actively promoted.
    Reform and Exploration of Talent Training Mode for Animal Science Major from the Perspective of Integration of Industry and Education#br#
    REN Qing-chang, XUAN Jing-jing, SONG Zhi-hua, WANG Li-ke, HU Zhong-ze
    2019, 21(6):  147-152.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2019.06.021
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    At present, China's agriculture-related colleges and universities have great deficiencies in school-running orientation, personnel training objectives, development of professional characteristics, cultivation of legal literacy of personnel, construction of internship and training bases inside and outside the school, research and application of artificial intelligence technology in animal husbandry facilities, and school-enterprise cooperation in education.Under the background of the integration of industry and education, it is necessary for local colleges and universities to flexibly change the way of publicity and enrollment in order to improve the students' willingness to choose animal science majors. Measures to speed up the construction of a new model for training animal science professionals include: firmly establishing the concept of integration of industry and education and adhering to the organic integra
    tion of talent training objectives and industrial needs; looking for deficiencies against national standards and designing a forward-looking talent training program at top-level; curricula-based discipline competitions to strengthen second-class education; adhering to the characteristic development while highlighting the professional innovation and market demand orientation; strengthening the education of professional legal knowledge and improving the legal literacy of talents; strengthening the construction of bases inside and outside the school to expand students' practice opportunities and platforms.
    Exploration and Practice on Teaching Reform of "Bioengineering Equipment and Factory Design" Course#br#
    CHEN Xiao-ju, YAN Juan, JIANG Hui-hui, ZHANG Feng-qin
    2019, 21(6):  153-158.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2019.06.022
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    Bioengineering equipment and factory design is a compulsory course for bioengineering majors. In view of the professional, practical and comprehensive qualities of the content, and the lack of factory practice for the students, it is hard to teach and learn the curriculum knowledge. In order to let the students master the curriculum knowledge better, the teaching content, teaching methods and assessment methods were reformed and carried out in practice. The results showed that the reform measures can effectively improve the course teaching effect, and most of students are satisfied with reform measures.
    Construction of Chemistry-related Public Elective Course Group Teaching System in Application-oriented Universities#br#
    WU Rong, WANG Min
    2019, 21(6):  159-164.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2019.06.023
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    This study aims to construct a scientific and easy-to-operate teaching system for chemistry-related public elective course group. Using "life", "materials", "environment" and "resources" as the theme, this study lays emphasis on multi-disciplinary integration and interconnection, designs teaching activities in a scientific and reasonable manner, and organically integrates and constructs a knowledge system. Additionally, students are supposed to be guided to strengthen their awareness of protecting environment, treating life well and saving energies, and develop the concept of scientific health, so as to promote students忆physical and mental development and practice ability.
    General catalogue of phase 1-6
    Editorial Department of Journal of Chaohu University
    2019, 21(6):  165-168. 
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    General catalogue of No.1-6
    No.6,2019(Vol.21 General Serial No.159)
    Editorial Department of Journal of Chaohu University
    2019, 21(6):  6000-6001. 
    Abstract ( 359 )   PDF (399KB) ( 721 )   Save
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    No.6,2019(Vol.21 General Serial No.159)
    Academic highlights
    Editorial Department of Journal of Chaohu University
    2019, 21(6):  6002-6003. 
    Abstract ( 634 )   PDF (5585KB) ( 883 )   Save
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