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25 September 2023, Volume 25 Issue 5
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  • Malaria Epidemic in Guangxi in the Early Days of New China and Social Countermeasures
    WANG Wei-zhen
    2023, 25(5):  1-10.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2023.05.001
    Abstract ( 279 )   PDF (575KB) ( 939 )   Save
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    In the early days of the People's Republic of China, various diseases, including malaria, were rampant in Guangxi, posing a serious threat to the health of local people, and affecting Guangxi's economic and social development and people's livelihoods. Under the correct leadership of the Party and the government, the central health administration department formulated scientific and effective epidemic prevention measures and gave special guidance to provinces with severe malaria epidemics. Under the guidance of the central policy on health and epidemic prevention, on the basis of the epidemiological investigation of malaria, Guangxi formulated prevention and control plans, established epidemic prevention institutions, trained medical personnel, adopted comprehensive prevention and control measures, and carried out health publicity as well as education on malaria prevention and control to the general public, in an effort to fundamentally control and eliminate the spread of malaria. After active prevention and control, certain achievements were made in malaria control in Guangxi, and experience was accumulated for malaria control in the future.
    Disease Epidemic and Social Response in Ethnic Minority Areas in the Early Days of New China
    JIA Ji-qing
    2023, 25(5):  11-18.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2023.05.002
    Abstract ( 264 )   PDF (680KB) ( 996 )   Save
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    Health care for ethnic minorities has a bearing on the health of the people of all nationalities and the development of various undertakings in minority areas. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, in the face of the grim medical situation in minority areas, the new regime under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) not only enabled the rapid development of public health service in minority areas, but also achieved great progress in disease prevention and treatment through the means of improving grassroots health organizations, setting up roving medical teams, carrying out health education, and mass sanitation campaigns. Smallpox, bubonic plague and venereal diseases that endangered the health of all ethnic groups were basically eliminated, and the malaria pandemic was controlled; other diseases were also markedly reduced. The situation of lack of medical care and medicine, rampant diseases, and population decline in minority areas has been greatly improved. Moreover, the development of public health service has to a great extent united the people of minority nationalities and strengthened solidarity of New China, thus promoting the cause of social progress in minority areas.
    Study on Agricultural Production Responsibility System in Wuwei County of Anhui Province (1978—1980)
    DING Yin-sheng
    2023, 25(5):  19-27.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2023.05.003
    Abstract ( 244 )   PDF (792KB) ( 919 )   Save
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    The implementation of agricultural production responsibility system is the most important economic system reform in rural China after the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee in 1978, which promoted the liberation and development of productive forces. Wuwei County is located in the Jianghuai area, with a large population and yet inadequate land. During the period of agricultural collectivization, its agricultural development stagnated, so Wuwei County was in urgent need of reform. Wanli went to Wuwei many times to give guidance when he was in charge of Anhui, making Wuwei a pioneer in agricultural production responsibility system reform. Through the investigation and analysis of the evolution process of agricultural production responsibility system in Wuwei County, the paper discusses the attitudes of and measures by the central, provincial and local governments to the responsibility system reform at that time, in order to reveal the complexity and twists of the reform of agricultural production responsibility system in Wuwei County.
    Memory of Local Operas: Taking Anhui Lu Opera as an Example
    YI Hui
    2023, 25(5):  28-36.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2023.05.004
    Abstract ( 276 )   PDF (1251KB) ( 622 )   Save
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    In the process of the emergence, development, dissemination and innovation of local operas, memory is always the main line hidden in it. The integration of multiple memories including time, space, voice, culture, society and history is the unique and important style that distinguishes local operas from other art forms. With the memory of local operas as the research object, this paper takes Anhui Lu Opera as an example to explore the content and mode of local opera memory from the three dimensions of music, language and space. Music memory includes traditional opera, local folk songs and contemporary music. Language memory, including local dialects and accents, has always played an important role in local operas. Memories of physical space, social space and psychological space appear in the form of cultural symbols such as lyrics, music and programs, recording numerous historical events and the real status of people's life.
    The Experience of the Chinese Path to Modernization in Innovating the Road of World Modernization
    WU Di
    2023, 25(5):  37-43+51.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2023.05.005
    Abstract ( 252 )   PDF (1045KB) ( 455 )   Save
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    Modernization is a global proposition. The CPC has successfully opened up and actively promoted the Chinese path to modernization, which is permeated with the "doctrine" consciousness and civilization confidence. Study on the Chinese path to modernization includes the recognition of this successful model's empirical contributions to world modernization. The Chinese path to modernization has developed new ways to modernization for developing countries, exploring a new type of modernization—socialist modernization, and has created a new form of civilization—the modern Chinese civilization.
    Why Do Philosophers Need to Enter Political Life:An Interpretation Based on the Cave Metaphor of The Republic
    YANG Jin-lin
    2023, 25(5):  44-51.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2023.05.006
    Abstract ( 375 )   PDF (981KB) ( 562 )   Save
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    There are two main interpretations of the central question posed by the cave metaphor in The Republic — how philosophers can enter political life: the "coercion theory" and the "persuasion theory". However, the "coercion theory" leads to a contradiction between the justice of the city-state and the happiness of the individual, thus making Plato's theory of justice not self-consistent. The "persuasion theory", on the other hand, does not adequately argue for the inevitability of the philosopher's rule over the city-state, and the "persuasive" reasons it relies on contradict the philosopher's own pursuits. Neither explanation adequately explains why philosophers should enter political life. "Eros" offers a new explanatory model for the philosopher's involvement in political life. It is the intrinsic motivation for philosophers to return to the cave and the fundamental reason why they engage in political activity. Through Eros, philosophers are able to transform the pursuit of ideals into political action, thus bringing the justice of the city-state into agreement with the happiness of the individual.
    Research on Temporary Guardianship in the Era of Civil Code: Targeted at Article 34(4) of the Civil Code
    WU Jiao, WANG Heng:
    2023, 25(5):  52-59.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2023.05.007
    Abstract ( 265 )   PDF (1093KB) ( 671 )   Save
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    Article 34(4) of the Civil Code of China is a temporary living care system established in response to emergencies against the background of guardianship system. However, due to the lack of profound theoretical research and practical exploration, there are many controversies in the understanding and application of this provision: the prerequisite conditions for emergencies are unclear, the status of guardian and ward is questionable, the degree of temporary living care is uncertain, and the cost is unclear. Meanwhile, in judicial practice, cases that rely on this provision as a basis for judgment are mostly based on special procedures, and the judicial applicability needs to be strengthened. It is urgent to improve this provision, limit its semantics, and achieve the goal of protecting the ward and maintaining social harmony and stability.
    Research on the Influencing Factors of Generation Z's Willingness to Purchase Agricultural Products in the Context of Live Commerce
    ZHAO Jie, ZHU Cheng-xiang
    2023, 25(5):  60-69+86.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2023.05.008
    Abstract ( 298 )   PDF (1425KB) ( 819 )   Save
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    Based on the migration theory, a push-pull-mooring model is constructed, and the influencing factors of Generation Z's willingness to purchase agricultural products in the context of live commerce are empirically studied from the perspective of driving effect and lock-in effect. Through the reliability and validity analysis and regression analysis of 214 questionnaires using SPSS 25.0 and AMOS 23.0, the results show that the push factor (live broadcast experience) and the pull factor (agricultural product characteristics) in the driving effect will have a positive impact on customer trust, thus further affecting the purchase willingness, so customer trust plays a partial intermediary role in the driving effect; In the lock-in effect, the lock-in factors will positively affect customer inertia, and then affect their purchase willingness, so customer inertia plays a partial intermediary role in the lock-in effect. Based on the research results, live commerce of agricultural products should enhance the live broadcast experience, improve the selection criteria for recommended agricultural products, and pay attention to the psychological state of the audience, such as the inertia of customers.
    Has Policy-Based Micro-Credit Increased the Income of the Households Just Lifted out of Poverty: A PSM Analysis Based on Survey Data of the Households Sampled
    LIU Yan-hua, SHU Yan, GUAN Xuan
    2023, 25(5):  70-77.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2023.05.009
    Abstract ( 209 )   PDF (1088KB) ( 549 )   Save
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    Policy-based micro-credit is an important credit tool to help and consolidate poverty alleviation. On the basis of reviewing the literature, this paper analyzes the influence mechanism of policy-based micro-credit on the income of the households just lifted out of poverty. Then, based on the survey data of the households out of poverty sampled in poverty-stricken counties, the propensity score matching method (Propensity Score Matching, PSM) is used to empirically analyze the effect of policy-based micro-credit on the income of the households. The analysis of the mechanism shows that policy-based micro-credit can enhance the production vitality of the households, meet the financial needs of poverty-stricken people for establishing a business, and motivate them to increase income by incentives and restraints, thereby creating and expanding their income sources. The empirical results show that policy-based micro-credit has effectively increased the income of the households just lifted out of poverty. The village attributes of the households, the age of the household heads, poverty alleviation employment projects and industry drive are important factors influencing the access of the households to policy-based micro-credit. The results of the balance test show that there is no significant difference between the characteristic variables of the treatment group and the control group after matching, which proves the robustness of the policy-based micro-credit in increasing income.
    A Study on the Image of the Flaneur in Benjamin's Modernity Thought
    ZHAO Ying-gang
    2023, 25(5):  78-86.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2023.05.010
    Abstract ( 224 )   PDF (1084KB) ( 842 )   Save
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    Faced with the modernity issues full of heterogeneity and difficult to define, Benjamin chose to externalize the problem of the essence of modernity into the image of the Flaneur. Through the tracking and observation of the Flaneur, with a Marxist critical attitude and historical phenomenological methods, he discovered many problems in the modern city, constructed the phenomenology of modernity in the dimensions of history and space, and clarified the basic connotation of modernity thought. Benjamin captured the intuition fragments of modernity through acute experience and created the image of the Flaneur as a dialectical image of modernity in terms of living space, mental state and criticism. By analyzing the image of Flaneur in Benjamin's thought of modernity, we can find the characteristics of the Flaneur image and its theoretical value, deeply explore the real living conditions of people in the space of modernity, and show Benjamin's dialectical critical attitude towards the issue of modernity.
    Women's Dilemma and Emotional Salvation in The Peony Pavilion and Pear Blossom Dream
    LIU Lu-lu, JIANG Xiao-ping
    2023, 25(5):  87-93.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2023.05.011
    Abstract ( 210 )   PDF (1181KB) ( 767 )   Save
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    The opera story The Peony Pavilion created by Tang Xianzu shocked the opera circle, and its influence can be seen in the Pear Blossom Dream by He Peizhu, a Huizhou female playwright in Qing Dynasty. Her imitation of The Peony Pavilion was not limited to the plot and character setting. Her Pear Blossom Dream inherited the strong humanistic care in the former one, and deeply presented the complex emotions of women. Both Tang Xianzu and He Peizhu started from the dilemma of women, and showed the complicated psychological journey of their respective female protagonists Du Liniang and Du Lanxian from "being at a loss" to "salvation". Due to the differences in story style and plot, as well as in gender and emotional needs of male and female writers, the images of Du Liniang and Du Lanxian are quite distinct from each other. By comparing the different female images in the works of male and female writers, we can not only see the changes and development of female images, but also understand the spiritual world and emotional pursuit of female writers in the Ming and Qing dynasties.
    On the Triple Levels of Chang Yao's Hometown Complex
    LIN Chang-lei
    2023, 25(5):  94-100.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2023.05.012
    Abstract ( 163 )   PDF (1226KB) ( 641 )   Save
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    The hometown complex of Chang Yao was initially an emotional longing for hometown and family. After returning, Chang Yao welcomed the improvement of his living conditions, and Qinghai became his second hometown. His hometown complex sublimated from the emotional homesickness to the spiritual contemplation, and he constructed his own spiritual homeland. In the process of transforming from emotion to spirit, the meaning of survival was amplified, and his homesickness changed from the initial attachment for a place to a metaphysical life experience. Therefore, Chang Yao's hometown complex was not limited to emotional attachment for one place, but consisted of three levels: the first level was homesickness for his first hometown; the second level was guarding and constructing the spiritual homeland after experiencing twists and turns, which was to pay homage to his spiritual ideals; the third level was philosophical homesickness, which was the ultimate concern for the essence of life and the hometown of life from a metaphysical perspective.
    Discussion on Cultivation of Buckwheat in Guizhou Province(1368—1949)
    DENG Zhao-guo
    2023, 25(5):  101-112.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2023.05.013
    Abstract ( 185 )   PDF (1364KB) ( 1282 )   Save
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    Buckwheat was widely cultivated in Guizhou with a unique natural and social environment from the Ming Dynasty to the Republic of China. Through the analysis of historical documents and local chronicles, the paper aims to explore the issue of buckwheat planting in Guizhou during this period. Due to the unique natural conditions of Guizhou and the influence of immigration, political power and the idea of storing up grain against famine, buckwheat was widely spread in Guizhou; its distribution shows an upward trend over time, and its planting area developed in a zigzag pattern over time. For hundreds of years, the values of buckwheat consumption, famine alleviation, cultural and medicinal use have had a profound impact on Guizhou, alleviating its famine, promoting the diversified development of Guizhou economy and enriching the diversity of Guizhou food culture. The study of buckwheat planting in Guizhou from the Ming dynasty to the Republic of China can deepen the understanding of buckwheat planting history in Guizhou, develop Guizhou buckwheat resources, build green and high-yield buckwheat economic belt, develop buckwheat characteristic industrial chain, and provide support for rural revitalization.
    On the Reconstruction of Prison in the Late Qing Dynasty
    SHUAI Xin
    2023, 25(5):  113-119+126.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2023.05.014
    Abstract ( 206 )   PDF (1351KB) ( 846 )   Save
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    The modernization of Chinese prison started from the prison reform, which arose under the joint action of theoretical factors, practical factors, direct factors, and fundamental factors. With building improvement as the primary problem, the reform activities promoted the construction of the radial prison layout after clarifying the goal of learning from Japan; the internal motivation and practical factor of this choice might be traced to the ideological foundation of circular prison and radial prison. The prison reform in late Qing Dynasty chose the radial layout, which was not the result of simply learning from foreign countries, but was due to the specific requirements for prison buildings brought by social changes. The requirements were reflected in the radial prison layout. This process showed the law that the prison layout should be in line with the practical needs of China.
    Finding Directions in Disorientation: The Literary Cartography in Journey to the Stone Country
    ZHU Di-ting, ZHAN Chun-juan
    2023, 25(5):  120-126.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2023.05.015
    Abstract ( 181 )   PDF (1342KB) ( 627 )   Save
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    Journey to the Stone Country is a reconciliation novel by Australian author Alex Miller. Unlike other forms of reconciliation novels, the author bridges the gap between the whites and indigenous people through Literary Cartography, expressing the desire of contemporary Australian white society to seek harmonious coexistence with indigenous people. The Literary Cartography in this novel is mainly manifested at three levels: geographical cartography, cultural cartography and cognitive cartography. It depicts the cultural and practical difficulties of the indigenous society from three perspectives of the whole and parts, tangibility and intangibility, individual and group, which enhances the communication and understanding between white people and indigenous people. It can also help Australians to directly face the history and the past and overcome the sense of dislocation and anxiety in the society through the "imaginative cartography".
    The Image of Artists in Women in Love from the Perspective of Aesthetic Modernity
    LI Chun-feng, QU Hong
    2023, 25(5):  127-134.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2023.05.016
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    Aesthetic modernity focuses on sensibility and desire, and stands in opposition to enlightenment modernity. It is a rational reversal and correction of the latter. The latter advocates rationality and instrumentality, which is the comprehensive conquest of nature and society by science and technology. As a "writer at the intersection of realism and modernism", the images of artists appear in many of Lawrence's novels, demonstrating distinct aesthetic modernity characteristics. In Women in Love, Lawrence portrays three kinds of artists: the lonely and arrogant adventurous artist Gudrun, the Bohemian London artists and the cold-blooded artist Loerke. These three types of artists contain deep connotations, corresponding to Lawrence's art view, the spokesman of decadence and the advocate of industrial civilization respectively, reflecting the writer's criticism of modern civilization and the aesthetic modernity of the respect for the philosophy of life.
    An Interpretation Study of the English Translations of the "Xing Yu Shi" Chapter in The Analects of Confucius
    LI Ke-yi, WANG Feng-ying
    2023, 25(5):  135-141.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2023.05.017
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    The interpretation study of the "Xing Yu Shi" (Inspired by Poetry) chapter in The Analects of Confucius is difficult to conclude due to its numerous controversies. Even though its related ancient annotations are abundant, there is still room for interpretation of this chapter. Current interpretation studies tend to focus on classical annotations and rarely combine with overseas English translations. Both ancient and modern, domestic and foreign annotations and translations have a common flaw, which is that they often focus on the methodological meaning of this chapter, neglecting the realm meaning it implies. By combining the interpretations of The Analects of Confucius by overseas scholars and Confucius's thoughts on poetry and music, the paper finds that the "Xing Yu Shi" chapter uses poetry to arouse sense of music and cultivate people's musical nature(methodological meaning), in order to achieve the unity of gentlemen's emotional will and classics (realm meaning), and ultimately the unity of heaven and man.
    Rewriting of the Female Images in the English Translation Version of Raise the Red Lantern and Its Influence
    ZHENG Yu-ting, QIAO Yuan
    2023, 25(5):  142-148+164.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2023.05.018
    Abstract ( 492 )   PDF (1417KB) ( 665 )   Save
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    In 1993, Su Tong's novella The Wives and Concubines was translated and introduced to the West by the Canadian sinologist Michael S. Duke, entitled Raise the Red Lantern, which basically restored the original story and translated the main plot of the novel. But some changes were made to the female images in the translation. Through an in-depth reading of the English and Chinese versions and a comparative analysis of the female images in the novel, it can be found that the English translation has rewritten in at least three aspects of the female characters' names, dialogue language and actions, resulting in changes to the female images constructed in the original novel. The translated version to a certain extent diluted the characterization of the female characters, thus weakening the artistic presentation of the female images.
    Facilitating EFL Teachers'Agency in Intercultural Teaching: A Professional Learning Community Approach
    HU Li, DAI Rui
    2023, 25(5):  149-157.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2023.05.019
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    EFL teachers' agency in intercultural teaching is crucial for cultivating foreign language talents with international visions and global competence. Based on the activity theory, the study explores how a school-based professional learning community facilitates EFL teachers' agency in intercultural teaching. Through the collection and analysis of reflection logs, interviews, classroom observations and other data, it was found that the professional learning community's targeted learning activities centered on intercultural elements, cooperative learning atmosphere, and social network support stimulated teachers' motivation to explore intercultural teaching and learning, facilitated them to construct an intercultural teaching knowledge system, and empowered them to carry out intercultural teaching and research. The study not only explores the facilitating factors the school-based professional learning community exerted to promote EFL teachers' agency from the perspective of activity theory, but provides ideas and methodological references for empirical research on EFL teachers' intercultural teaching competence and professional development.
    Exploring the Integration of Chaohu Folk Songs into Vocal Music Teaching in Universities
    SUN Ding-hai, CHEN Min-yan, WU Wei
    2023, 25(5):  158-164.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2023.05.020
    Abstract ( 209 )   PDF (1831KB) ( 715 )   Save
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    The integration of local music into university vocal music teaching can not only make a distinguishing feature of vocal singing teaching in universities, but also inherit and protect local traditional music culture. Moreover, the relatively fixed vocal music teaching mode in some universities can be adjusted and enriched, which is conducive to improving students' comprehensive music literacy. By incorporating Chaohu folk songs into the classroom teaching of Chaohu university's vocal singing program, using folk songs as teaching materials, and employing Chaohu local folk artists to provide classroom guidance, students can experience the original folk songs, which highlights the inherent historical charm of Chaohu folk songs. At the same time, the cooperation between the government and the school is strengthened to provide a guarantee for the inheritance and development of Chaohu folk songs. Through the concerted efforts of all parties, Chaohu folk songs will continue to shine as a national cultural heritage.