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25 January 2022, Volume 24 Issue 1
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  • Contents,NO.1,2022
    Editorial Department of Journal of Chaohu University
    2022, 24(1):  0-0. 
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    Contents  NO.1,2022(Vol.24General Serial No.172)
    Research on the Wh-questions of Hefei Dialect
    LIU Ji-yuan
    2022, 24(1):  1-7.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2022.01.001
    Abstract ( 522 )   PDF (405KB) ( 1389 )   Save
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    Wh-questions belong to a common question type in Hefei dialect, and they have significant characteristics. The results of descriptive analysis show that the Hefei dialect wh-questions differ in the form of interrogative pronouns, which mainly comprise six types: asking people, things, time, place, number, reason, and mode. Different interrogative domains have different interrogative pronouns. In terms of pragmatics, in addition to the usual questioning function, wh-questions have three special functions: the "explanation" and "reference" functions of interrogative pronouns, the rhetorical function of interrogative pronouns, and the mixed use of question types. Semantically,interrogative pronouns, ending modal words and question tone will all affect the interrogative focus of wh-questions.
    Research on the Strategy of Short Video Dissemination of Hefei Image in the 5G Era
    ZHANG Meng-meng
    2022, 24(1):  8-15.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2022.01.002
    Abstract ( 542 )   PDF (834KB) ( 1720 )   Save
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    In the 5G era, in order to change the previous low-level mode of Hefei image short video dissemination and content production, the study aims to solve the dilemma of single communication subject, homogenization of communication content, and lagging communication technology. By using the methods of literature analysis and content analysis, this paper, based on the current content and communication status of short videos in Hefei, digs deep into the humanistic characteristics and regional style of Hefei city, and relies on the latest audio-visual effects to build the agenda setting relationship among the government, media and the public in various directions in the communication subject, so as to achieve a win-win situation of mainstream value output and user demand. In terms of communication content, the brand-new visual symbol "BEST" is used to upgrade and optimize original content, and under specific coding rules, Hefei can build a rational city image. In terms of communication technology, 5G + AI + VR technology is used to create characteristic short videos with "content + socializing + scenes", and the relationship between socializing and scenes is continuously deepened in high-definition virtual reality videos and immersive interactive experiences, so as to create an immersive, digital and scene-based multi-dimensional image of Hefei city.
    On the Integration of Regional Red Culture into Moral Education in Local Colleges and Universities: Taking Red Culture Around Chaohu Lake as an Example
    SUN Hong-jie, XIA Ming-qun, KAI Chen
    2022, 24(1):  16-21+49.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2022.01.003
    Abstract ( 765 )   PDF (965KB) ( 1566 )   Save
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    The area around Chaohu Lake has a glorious revolutionary history, with rich red cultural resources. As three-dimensional materials, they are vivid teaching materials to carry out college students' feelings of family and country education, ideals and beliefs education, moral quality education, which is deeply in line with the fundamental task of college moral cultivation. By explaining the general situation of the red culture resources around Chaohu Lake, the article analyzes the educational function of the red culture around Chaohu Lake in the work of building morality and cultivating people in colleges and universities, focuses on exploring the implementation path of the red culture around Chaohu Lake integrating into the work of building morality and cultivating people in colleges and universities, and puts forward that the educational connotation of the red culture around Chaohu Lake should be deeply explored, the implementation methods of ideological and political education should be expanded, the construction of the red culture on campus should promote the work of building morality and cultivating people in colleges and universities, and the long-term mechanism of the red culture education should be continuously improved. The aim is to effectively play the educational function of local red culture as the carrier of moral cultivation in colleges and universities, and expand the path of moral cultivation in colleges and universities.
    Xie Qing and Fen Li: Dai Zhen's Ethical Reflection on "Xie Qing Brings out the Li"
    ZHANG Xiao-kun
    2022, 24(1):  22-27.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2022.01.004
    Abstract ( 675 )   PDF (720KB) ( 1429 )   Save
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    In Dai Zhen's ethics study, Fen Li means the distinction and integration among human beings, the core of which is the general "desires". In order to clarify the Fen Li, he adopted the way of Yi Qing Xie Qing. However, there is a possibility that this method may ignore others' "desire" claims in practice, so we still need to optimize it. Later scholars added Xin Zhi, an intellectual concept, to Xie Qing and this paper introduces the concepts of "don't do to others what they don't want" and dialogue. On the one hand, it elevates the other to the level of non-assimilation; on the other hand, it presents others' "desires" through dialogue, which can further advance the Xie Qing on the path of clarifying Fen Li.
    Oh the Theoretical and Practical Significance of Solidly Promoting Common Prosperity
    WANG Xue-mei ZHANG Bin
    2022, 24(1):  28-33.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2022.01.005
    Abstract ( 643 )   PDF (780KB) ( 1368 )   Save
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    Common prosperity is not only the essential requirement of socialism, but also the strategic goal of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, common prosperity has been endowed with new connotation and value under the new era background. The Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee stressed the "solid promotion of common prosperity". Based on this, grasping the significance of solidly promoting common prosperity from the two dimensions of theory and practice is not only a major theoretical issue, but also related to the practical choice of common prosperity in the new era. In theory, promoting the common prosperity has highlighted the new realm of contemporary Marxism's development, enriched the Marxism's thought of people's free and comprehensive development, highlighted the value core of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and pointed out the direction for shaping the new development pattern and promoting high quality development. In practice, further consolidating the mass foundation of the road identity of socialism with Chinese characteristics is a realistic choice to meet the people's growing needs for a better life and can provide practical guarantee for the smooth implementation of the strategy in the new development stage.
    The Negation of Punitive Compensation in Environmental Civil Public Litigation
    LI Ling-yu
    2022, 24(1):  34-41.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2022.01.006
    Abstract ( 533 )   PDF (870KB) ( 1082 )   Save
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    Chapter 7 of the Civil Code · Tort Liability stipulates the system of punitive damages for environmental damages for the first time, but whether environmental civil public interest litigation can apply to the system is controversial. Environmental civil public interest litigation with the purpose of safeguarding the public interest is a public legal responsibility with the function of punishment. The scope of compensation is limited to environmental public welfare. The plaintiff is a third person outside the victim, and the way of relief is mainly prevention and restoration rather than compensation. Punitive compensation for environmental damage is a private law liability featuring punishment and containment. The scope of compensation is limited to environmental private benefits, and the plaintiff is the victim of environmental private benefits. Environmental civil public interest litigation and punitive compensation for environmental damage have overlapping functions, different scopes of compensation, different litigation plaintiffs and different relief methods, which determines that punitive compensation for environmental damages should not be applied to environmental civil public interest litigation.
    Contradiction and Unity: Consideration of Ethical Factors in Criminal Law from the Perspective of "Relative Concealment" and "Relative Infringement"
    CHEN Peng-wei
    2022, 24(1):  42-49.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2022.01.007
    Abstract ( 592 )   PDF (982KB) ( 950 )   Save
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    With the development of the times, ethical relations show new characteristics. It is of great significance to explore the ethical relations between relatives by taking the two typical behaviors of "relative concealment" and "relative infringement" as the starting point. Ethics plays an important role in ancient criminal law. Modern criminal law shows the tendency of non-ethicizing, but it still inevitably keeps some ethical factors. Criminal law and ethics should neither oppose nor completely unify, but coexist organically. Based on the stability and purpose requirements, especially in the context of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics in the new era, ethical factors should be considered in criminal law. We need to dialectically deal with the ethical relations behind "relative concealment" and "relative infringement", make a reasonable choice between acceptance and criticism, and achieve the balance of coldness, seriousness, and tenderness of criminal law, thus achieving the unity of the literal meaning and social effect of criminal law terms.
    Empirical Study on the Effect of Team Social Capital on Team Adaptive Performance: A Moderated Mediation Model
    XU Zhe
    2022, 24(1):  50-58.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2022.01.008
    Abstract ( 458 )   PDF (1074KB) ( 1098 )   Save
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    Based on self-determination theory, taking the teams in the organization as the research object, a mediated moderator is built to explore the relationship between team social capital and team adaptive performance. The analysis on the 475 sample data of 103 teams indicates that: Team social capital has positive effect on team adaptive performance, and the impact is mediated by team psychological empowerment; Information justice moderates the relationship between team social capital and team adaptive performance, and for teams with high information justice, the positive impact of team social capital on team adaptive performance is stronger; Information justice has an impact on the relationship between team social capital and team adaptive performance through team psychological empowerment. That is, with higher information justice, the positive impact of team social capital on team adaptive performance through team psychological empowerment is stronger.
    Empirical Research on the Impact of New Urbanization on the Income Gap Between Urban and Rural Residents in Anhui Province
    YANG Yang
    2022, 24(1):  59-66.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2022.01.009
    Abstract ( 579 )   PDF (1286KB) ( 1015 )   Save
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    The impact of urbanization development level on the income gap between urban and rural residents has always been controversial. Based on the statistical data of Anhui Province from 2001 to 2019, this paper uses the entropy weight method to measure the development level of new urbanization in Anhui Province, uses Theil index to measure the income gap between urban and rural residents in Anhui Province, and carries out unit root test and cointegration test. Finally, VAR model and impulse response analysis are constructed. The results show that there is an inverted U-shaped relationship between the development level of new urbanization and the income gap between urban and rural residents in Anhui Province.When the development level of new urbanization is lower than 0.0212, the income gap will expand with the improvement of the development level of new urbanization.When the development level of new urbanization is higher than 0.0212, the income gap will narrow with the improvement of the new urbanization development level.In the long run, the development level of new urbanization has an obvious lag effect on narrowing the income gap between urban and rural residents.
    The Different Interpretation: Discussion of the Secondary Field of Drama Production in the Period of New Culture Movement
    NI Yuan
    2022, 24(1):  67-73.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2022.01.010
    Abstract ( 531 )   PDF (1000KB) ( 1443 )   Save
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    This article draws on Bourdieu's theory of field of literary production and discusses the concept and practice of drama during the New Culture Movement, so as to read the historical scene comprehensively and avoid the ignorance of facts due to limited vision. By combing through the interaction between drama debates and reality before and after the New Culture Movement, this article can help understand the interpretation logic of the secondary field of drama production during the period: struggling and occupying positions in the field based on political ideals, which involves resistance against economic capital. The surrender of the old drama and the civilized new drama to economic capital is no longer suitable for the social responsibility that the secondary field of drama production is required to shoulder. Therefore, the drama dispute and the generation of modern drama show a different feature, which stems from the tense relationship in the social field and the consensus on the social function of drama.
    On the Object of Shi Fa in Chinese Art Criticism: About the Deviation from and Return to Fa
    YAO Peng
    2022, 24(1):  74-80.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2022.01.011
    Abstract ( 420 )   PDF (1109KB) ( 1440 )   Save
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    In ancient Chinese art criticism, there were such artistic creation methods as Shi Xin (follow heart), Shi Gu (follow the ancient) and Shi Zaohua(follow creation), which provide reference for artistic creation in the process of art evaluation in past dynasties. In different times and schools, the objects of Shi Fa(follow the law) in artistic creation were different, which reflected the value and aesthetic orientation of art and artists at that time and became the benchmark and reference for artistic creation in the same period. By combing the art criticism literature on Shi Fa through ancient dynasties, this paper analyzes the changes of the object of Shi Fa with the background of specific historical periods, analyzes the artistic category of Yi(freedom) produced in the deviation from and return to Fa(law), studies the "two-way" interaction between the subject and object in the aesthetic connotation of Shi Fa, and summarizes the evolution of Shi Fa in the art criticism thought in ancient dynasties in China and the deviation from and return to Fa.
    On the Repetition of Theme in Landscape Painting: Taking "Travelers" as an Example
    ZHENG Xu-hui
    2022, 24(1):  81-90+122.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2022.01.012
    Abstract ( 424 )   PDF (2456KB) ( 1726 )   Save
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    The repetition of landscape painting theme has existed since ancient times, and the theme of "travelers" plays a vital role in the evolution history of landscape painting. The paper, with case analysis and image analysis as the main research methods, takes the theme of "travelers" as the starting point to study its repetition and the reasons why this phenomenon can't be cut off in painting history. The focus is on the analysis of the "antique" tradition which has existed since ancient times and the influence of emerging "marketization" in the middle and late Ming Dynasty on landscape painting repetition. In this way, the study explores the manifestation and artistic significance of landscape painting theme repetition under the innovation of landscape painters. Then, we can see that landscape painters never reject the repetition of theme, but are very keen to choose the "old theme"; the "old theme" is not actually "old", and it can glow with new vitality in the new years and with new painters.
    The Expansion and Extension of New Hui-style Print in the Context of Contemporary Art
    WANG Yong-hu, YANG Guang-hong, LU Wen-jun
    2022, 24(1):  91-97.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2022.01.013
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    Taking the new Hui-style print art as the research object, this paper discusses the formation of the new Hui-style print, analyzes the development dilemma of the new Hui-style print in the context of contemporary art, and expounds the expansion and extension of the new Hui-style print art language. It is hoped that by constructing the new print concept, the study can make clear the spirit and artistic principle of contemporary printmaking, and extend traditional printmaking rules to satisfy print artists' creation purpose and to adapt to the needs of new development. So that in the contemporary art context, new Hui-style print can actively learn from and integrate with different cultures and art forms, thus helping and promoting the independent development, inheritance and innovation of new Hui-style print.
    On the Incident of Tax Increase in Shanghai Public Concession in 1937
    LIU Shuai
    2022, 24(1):  98-103.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2022.01.014
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    In 1937, the Bureau of Industry of the Shanghai Public Concession attempted to increase taxes in the concession on the grounds of financial exhaustion and insolvency, which aroused dissatisfaction and resistance from the general public and many institutions. Under pressure from all sides, the Bureau of Industry decided to postpone the implementation of the increase for half a year. Although the anti-tax increase was not completely successful because of the political coercion of the concession authorities, the people were highly united in the anti-tax increase process. A series of effective measures were taken, and limited victories were achieved. This event reflected the awakening of the public awareness of national rights and, to some extent, stimulated the increase of anti-imperialist sentiment among the citizens. The research can help deepen the academic understanding of Sinoforeign relations in the public concession before the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression.
    Supporting Agriculture with Industry: The Changes of Commune-and Brigade-Run Enterprises Before and After Fengyang's All-Round Contract and Its Enlightenment
    LIU Yu-meng, ZHANG Zao-lin
    2022, 24(1):  104-109.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2022.01.015
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    When the "All-Round Contract" of land in Xiaogang Village of Fengyang County kicked off China's rural reform, the development of commune-and brigade-run enterprises in Fengyang County has also become an important economic mode to receive surplus labor in rural areas and to realize diversified economy. In the process of studying the changes of commune-and brigade-run enterprises such as Daxihe Commune, Kaocheng Commune and Meishi Commune in Fengyang County, this paper compares the development status of commune-and brigade-run enterprises before and after the "All-Round Contract", analyzes the reasons for the rapid development of communeand brigade-run enterprises after the "All-Round Contract" and the great changes to farmers' lives brought by the development of commune-and brigade-run enterprises, thus revealing the important contributions of commune-and brigade-run enterprises in promoting rural economic development, promoting farmers' wealth and changing rural economic structure. At the same time, by comparing them with the rapid-developing township enterprises along the southeast coast, this paper concludes the lessons from commune-and brigade-run enterprises' shift from prosperity to decline, so as to provide inspirations for China's building beautiful villages and realizing rural revitalization in the new era.
    Zhang Zhijiang's Thought and Practice of Banning Opium
    ZHANG Hui
    2022, 24(1):  110-116.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2022.01.016
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    Zhang Zhijiang experienced the situation of banning opium in Late Qing and Early Republican China. He was deeply aware of the harm of opium, and advocated the complete banning of opium in the spirit of revolution. He proposed that the first thing to banning policy is to ban planting, and the priority is to arouse the awareness of the people. Therefore, he organized anti-opium committee, ended local anti-opium bureaus, set up anti-opium memorial day, mobilized the Christian priests to assist in anti-smoking, and advocated paying equal attention to opium and Chinese Wushu. Zhang Zhijiang's thought and practice of banning opium to a certain extent played a role in the adjustment and transformation of Nanjing National Government's early opium prohibition policy, but due to the political reality, there were also some limitations, and the practice of banning opium ended in failure.
    Four Remarks on the Notion Yi
    XU Chao-you
    2022, 24(1):  117-122.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2022.01.017
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    It is of necessity to explore the four notions of Ji (寄), Xiang (象), Didi (狄鞮) and Yi (译) in Book of Rites. No systematic and profound research has been conducted on the four notions. The present research on the four notions can help shed light on the connotation of "language of Yidi (夷狄)" used by Kong Yingda, the respective origins of Ji (寄) and Yi (译), the correspondence among Di (狄), Di (的) and Di (敌), and the far-fetchedness of "the popularity of Yi (译) on account of Han (汉)". All these serve to deepen the understanding of the four notions and offer a new approach to some related notions of modern translation studies.
    The Formation and Construction Meaning of Popular Frame Construction "A ge B": AB as Disyllabic Word Whose Structure Is Not Predicate-Objective or PredicateComplement
    HUANG Guang-yi
    2022, 24(1):  123-133.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2022.01.018
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    In modern Chinese, ge can be inserted into some disyllabic words "AB" whose structure is not predicateobjective or predicate-complement, which is called frame construction "A ge B". This paper further summarizes the construction meaning of "A ge B" by sorting out its formation process, and investigates the actual presentation of different construction meanings. "A ge B" is developed from "V ge NP/VP". The invariable term ge inherits and enhances the subjective vivifying function so that "A ge B" has the vivid meaning. In the long-term use and analogy, the action meaning, which "V ge NP/VP" and other former structures as verbal components have, is stabilized, and then "A ge B", itself having the action meaning, is formed. Instances of "A ge B" can present the action meaning because the action meaning of "A ge B" suppresses AB to varying degrees.
    A Cognitive Approach to Semantic Extension of MAO (HAT) and MAO-based Expressions
    LI Shu-kang
    2022, 24(1):  134-139+152.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2022.01.019
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    In modern Chinese clothing words, the words with mao entails abundant cultural and social connotations. According to cognitive linguistics, conceptual metaphor and metonymy are two basic linguistic mechanisms and fundamental thinking patterns. Based on the present corpora, the study approaches the semantic network and extension of the words with mao from the perspective of cognitive linguistics, aiming to disclose their cultural connotations. It is found that the semantic changes of the words with mao are the result of the mechanisms of conceptual metaphor, conceptual metonymy, and conceptual blending.
    From Deconstruction to Reconstruction: Henry James' Deconstructive Strategy of Patriarchy in The Portrait of a Lady
    WANG Chun-fei, YU Yuan-yuan
    2022, 24(1):  140-145.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2022.01.020
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    The study applies Derrida's deconstructive theory and the concept of "androgyny" to reinterpret The Portrait of a Lady written by Henry James, in order to study James' deconstruction of binary gender opposition. Through concrete textual analysis, it reveals James' deconstructive strategy for patriarchy. With a strategy of deconstruction before reconstruction, Henry James broke the patriarchal tradition that women are inferior to men to create androgynous women characters by subverting the traditional images of men and women as well as binary gender opposition. In this way, James expressed his wish to reconstruct a harmonious society where men and women coexist happily, and so promoted the equality between men and women.
    Analysis and Countermeasures of the Phenomenon of "Keyboard Man" among Teenagers
    HAO Xiu-li
    2022, 24(1):  146-152.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2022.01.021
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    In the prevalent network culture, the phenomenon of "keyboard man" is quite common. Teenagers are in the key period of growth, and the influence of this phenomenon on dispelling the mainstream values of teenagers, impacting the network morals, disrupting the normal network order, and promoting the dual personality of teenagers, cannot be underestimated. The reasons for this phenomenon from the perspective of ideological and political education are the ineffective guide of values education, the weak media literacy education, the insufficient counseling for rational understanding, and education incoherence. Reliable strategies to deal with the problem of "keyboard man" are playing the "main melody" of values education, linking up the "main channel" of media literacy education, opening up the "intersection" of emotional and rational education, and outlining the "concentric circles" of tripartite collaborative education.
    A Comparison Between Aesthetic Music Education Philosophy and Practical Music Education Philosophy from the Perspective of Body Philosophy
    QU Ya
    2022, 24(1):  153-158.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2022.01.022
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    The question of body and mind has always been the basic question explored by people. From Descartes's "raising the mind and restraining the body" to postmodern "balance between mind and body", with the turn to body philosophy, the "body" abandoned by traditional epistemology has reentered the research field. In postmodernism, the body is no longer the restrained "object" of students; the mind and consciousness also move from Descartes's altar of "I think, so I am" to the field of culture. Students exist as a unity of body and mind, a unity of subject and object. Body philosophy provides a new theoretical perspective for the study of music education philosophy. Therefore, from the perspective of body philosophy, this paper makes a comparative study of aesthetic music education philosophy and practical music education philosophy from the perspectives of music concept, music listening and music curriculum, to enable a clearer understanding of the value of music education philosophy to music education. It is hoped that the philosophy of music education can better lead the development of music education.
    The Analysis of the ESP Oral Textbooks Based on the Register Theory
    XU Yan
    2022, 24(1):  159-164.  doi:10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2022.01.023
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    With the CiteSpace software, visualized analysis of domestic register studies within ten years indicates that the key words "translation" and "ESP" of high frequency have been the focus. At present, the application of register theory to ESP teaching mainly concentrates on the demonstration of its guiding significance. Based on the register theory, the paper illustrates the embodiment of three variables—field, tenor, and mode—in the ESP textbook and explores the relationship of system and instance between three variables of register and the compilation of ESP textbooks. The study aims to provide a research perspective and the proof for compiling the ESP textbooks.