巢湖学院学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (1): 62-68.doi: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2020.01.009
This article is supported by the audience theory of Birmingham School. It is based on the audience research of Williams, Hall, Morley and Fiske. From the creation of TV texts, the interpretation of texts by audiences, and the psychological incentives, the reasons why the star outdoor reality show has an influence on the development of the local tourism industry are analyzed. First, the tendency changes in the process of TV text encoding, the production of texts derived from life, and the legibility of texts will have unpredictable effects on the dissemination of texts. Second, the audience has the need to recognize the meaning of the text. Therefore, the interpretation of TV text by different audiences is influenced by the social context in which they are located. The TV text of the star outdoor reality show is interpreted by tourists, local residents, tourism companies, government agencies and other audiences, which promotes the development of local tourism. Finally, audiences忆 psychology, nostalgia, idolatry, participation psychology, etc. are all important incentives for their tourism behavior.#br#
摘要: 文章以伯明翰学派的受众理论为支撑,具体以威廉斯、霍尔、莫利以及菲斯克的受众研究为理论基础,从电视文本的创作、受众对文本的解读、受众心理诱因三方面分析明星户外真人秀节目对取景地旅游发展产生影响的原因。首先,电视文本编码过程中发生的倾向性变化、源于生活的文本制作以及文本的易读程度都会对文本的传播带来不可预见的影响;其次,受众具有辨识自我对文本意义的需求,因此不同的受众群体对电视文本进行解读受其所处的社会语境影响,明星户外真人秀取景地的旅游正是在游客、当地居民、旅游企业、政府机构等不同受众群体对电视文本的多方解读中发展起来的;最后,受众的求真心理、怀旧心理、偶像崇拜心理、参与心理等都是其产生前往节目取景地旅游行为的重要诱因。