,原型-模型翻译理论,新闻外宣,读者立场," /> ,原型-模型翻译理论,新闻外宣,读者立场,"/>
巢湖学院学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (1): 126-129.doi: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2019.01.021
The thesis aims to introduce the thought from the Prototype-Model Translation Theory-Reader-Centered theory into news translation study, which could fill the current theory blank in this area. News translation is also called global translation, whose readers are foreigners. The aim of global translation is to make the positive image of China known by the foreigners. So, news translator should both be faithful to the source-text, and be careful about the words and expressions used in the source-text. In the process of news translation, the translator should try his best to avoid using the words which could be misunderstood by the foreigners. The translator should always use the target-language and the translating strategies properly to ensure the foreigners' correct comprehension of the targettext and make the foreigners objectively accept the positive information from the source-text.
摘要: 文章试图将原型-模型翻译理论的核心思想——读者立场理论,引入到新闻翻译研究中,填补其长久以来研究只停留在宏观层面的空白。新闻翻译又称外宣翻译,针对的阅读群体是国外受众,其目的是宣传中国的正面形象。因此,新闻译者既需要忠实于源语文本,还要在忠实的基础上斟酌原文的不当用词和容易引起误解的表达,在翻译的过程中尽量避免在译文中再现且不使用任何让国外受众引起误解的词语和表达;新闻译者还需要使用合理的译入语和翻译策略,确保国外受众对译语文本的正确理解,尽量保证国外受众能够在客观的状态下接受源语文本所反映的正面信息。