巢湖学院学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (4): 92-97.doi: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2019.04.014
摘要:通过考察元好问七言律诗的用典情况,发现其329首七律中近270 首使用典故,用典范围广、密度大、形式多是其七律用典的鲜明特征;其七律用典类型与生活时代密切相关,主要包括院世事沧桑类、避世隐居、贫苦生活类与扶倾志士类;其七律中用典不仅使诗歌言之有物、含蓄蕴藉,同时包含深刻的现实寓意,对其诗歌主导风格的形成亦有影响。
Abstract: By investigating the cases of Yuan Haowen's allusions in seven-syllable poetry, it is found that nearly 270 of the 329 poems used allusions. Wide range, density and multi-form are the distinctive characteristics of Yuan Haowen's seven-syllable poetry. The types of allusions are closely related to the era, mainly including: vicissitudes of life, seclusion, poor life and supportive ethics. The use of allusions not only made poetry meaningful, implicit, but also contained profound realistic meanings. It also influenced the formation of the dominant style of his poems.#br#