Journal of Chaohu University ›› 2024, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (3): 95-100+115.doi: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2024.03.012

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The Intrinsic Mechanism, Current Challenges, and Mitigation Strategies of Folk Sports Culture in Contributing to Rural Governance in Southern Anhui in the New Era

CHEN Zhong-ju,CAO Hong-min,XUE Tian-qing:School of Physical Education,Chizhou University   

  1. School of Physical Education, Chizhou University, Chizhou Anhui 247000
  • Received:2024-03-13 Online:2024-05-25 Published:2024-11-20

Abstract: Promoting rural revitalization through effective rural governance holds significant importance. Utilizing research methods such as literature review and survey interviews, this study, set against the backdrop of the new era, explores the role of folk sports culture in enhancing rural governance in southern Anhui. It posits that the grassroots, clan-based, and collective nature of southern Anhui's folk sports culture provides spiritual motivation, group identity, and emotional support for rural governance. However, in the current context, southern Anhui's folk sports culture face practical difficulties in contributing to rural governance. These include the collapse of the folk sports culture value system due to changes in the living environment, the erosion of the dominant position of folk sports culture under the influence of Western culture, and insufficient creative transformation that diminishes the effectiveness of folk sports culture in governance. To fully leverage the unique role and value of folk sports culture in rural governance and advance the rural revitalization strategy, it is essential to stimulate the proactive consciousness of the folk sports culture community, reconstruct the value system of southern Anhui's folk sports culture, delve into its connotations to create high-quality cultural products, enhance the permeation of southern Anhui's folk sports culture, strengthen its leadership in creative transformation and innovative development, and rejuvenate the governance efficacy of southern Anhui's folk sports culture.

Key words: southern Anhui, folk sports culture, good rural governance, rural revitalization

CLC Number: 

  • G80-05