巢湖学院学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (5): 32-39+45.doi: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2021.05.005

• 环巢湖研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


1.陈凯:巢湖学院 工商管理学院,2.陈恩虎:巢湖学院 图书馆   

  1. 1. 巢湖学院 工商管理学院,安徽 巢湖 238024;2. 巢湖学院 图书馆,安徽 巢湖 238024
  • 收稿日期:2021-07-02 出版日期:2021-09-25 发布日期:2021-12-09
  • 作者简介:陈凯(1983—),男,安徽六安人,巢湖学院工商管理学院讲师,主要从事区域文化研究。
  • 基金资助:

Type Analysis and Inheritance Strategy of Military Cultural Heritage around Chaohu Lake in the Three Kingdoms Period

1.CHEN Kai:School of Business Administration, Chaohu University,2.CHEN En-hu:Library, Chaohu University   

  1. 1. School of Business Administration, Chaohu University, Chaohu Anhui 238024; 2. Library, Chaohu University, Chaohu Anhui 238024
  • Received:2021-07-02 Online:2021-09-25 Published:2021-12-09

摘要: 三国时期的环巢湖地区是全国最重要的必争地和主战场,留下一大批闻名遐迩的三国军事文化遗存,形成了一系列三国军事文化资源厚集带。环巢湖地区三国军事文化资源在地理分布上具有一个脉络分明和要素齐备的完整结构,总体上可概括为“四核三带两区”。资源类型丰富而全面,可分为古城砦、古战场、古工程、古遗物、古墓葬、军事交通、军事思想、历史故事、名将形象和历史事件十个大类。研究环巢湖地区三国军事文化遗产的遗存类型,有助于推动军事文化遗产的传承保护。

关键词: 环巢湖地区, 三国时期, 军事文化遗产, 地理分布, 资源类型

Abstract: The Chaohu Lake area was the most important battlefield during the Three Kingdoms period, which left a large number of famous military relics, forming a series of belts rich in military cultural resources. The military cultural resources of the Three Kingdoms period in Chaohu Lake area have a complete and clear structure in geographical distribution, which can be summarized as "four cores, three belts and two districts". The types of the military cultural resources are abundant and comprehensive, which include ancient barracks, ancient battlefields, ancient engineering, ancient relics, ancient tombs, military traffic, military thoughts, historical stories, famous images and historical events. Studying the types of military cultural heritage in the Three Kingdoms period around Chaohu Lake can help promote the inheritance and protection of military cultural heritage.

Key words: Chaohu Lake area, the Three Kingdoms period, military culture heritage, geographical distribution, resource type


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