Journal of Chaohu University ›› 2024, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (3): 82-87.doi: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2024.03.010

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Study on Purification of Simulated Dioctyl Phthalate Wastewater

RONG Jun-feng,ZHAO Bin-bin,CHEN Ming-gong:School of Chemical and Blasting Engineering,Anhui University of Science and Technology   

  1. School of Chemical and Blasting Engineering, Anhui University of Science and Technology, Huainan Anhui 232001
  • Received:2023-12-01 Online:2024-05-25 Published:2024-11-20

Abstract: In this study, a self-made three-dimensional electrode wastewater purification device is adopted. Activated carbon is used as the particle electrode, and the plate iron electrode is used to fix the distance between the two poles. Electrolytic voltage, particle electrode activated carbon dosage, electrolytic time and initial pH of wastewater were controlled to explore the purification effect of DOP(dioctyl phthalate)wastewater under different conditions. The main and secondary factors affecting the COD(chemical oxygen demand)degradation rate of DOP wastewater were obtained by orthogonal test: initial pH of wastewater > other factor variables > electrolytic time > activated carbon dosage. Optimal solution: electrolytic voltage is 36 V, activated carbon dosage is 14 g/L, initial pH of wastewater is 4, electrolytic time is 80 min. The COD degradation rate is then 81.41%. At the same time, the factors affecting the turbidity removal rate of DOP wastewater are also studied. When the electrolytic voltage is 36 V, the dosage of activated carbon is 10 g/L, the initial pH of wastewater is 5, and the electrolytic time is 90 min, the turbidity removal rate of DOP wastewater sample reaches 84.21%.

Key words: DOP wastewater, three-dimensional electrode, COD degradation rate, turbidity removal rate

CLC Number: 

  • TQ09