Journal of Chaohu University ›› 2019, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (3): 93-101.doi: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2019.03.013
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Abstract: Flight control system is the integrated command center and core component of UAV system. Aiming at the problem of poor accuracy and low efficiency in field measurement of parameters of flight control system, combined with the configuration of flight attitude angle sensor-vertical gyroscope, hardware-in-the-loop simulation technology and integrated automatic test method are adopted. The hardware-in-the-loop simulation test platform of UAV flight control system is composed of a miniaturized UAV attitude calibration platform with low cost and high precision and test device of controlpiston deflexion angle is designed. The main controller is used instead of the main ground control station of UAV to send remote control instructions directly to the aircraft. By changing the attitude of the aircraft, the voltage of control signal, feedback signal and rudder angle are measured, and the comprehensive performance test of flight control system parameters is realized. The performance test of the platform shows that it can meet the test requirements of angle position, system voltage and controlpiston deflexion angle.