巢湖学院学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (4): 105-111.doi: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2019.04.016
摘要:从时间轴来看,作为唐宋建筑营造水平达到高峰之后的一种延续,明清官式建筑通常被看作中国古典建筑的尾声。然而由于叶营造法式曳铸成的技艺壁垒,以及封建集权发展到最后阶段,需求建筑强化象征性来对抗社会世俗化心理的蔓延以维持其权力的合法性,诸多因素造成明清官式建筑结构逐渐倾向弱化功能而追求形式的设计路径,这种设计思想恰与20 世纪的后现代主义设计有诸多相似。从官式建筑的宗教象征性、装饰的平面化和结构的去功能化等方面分析其形式主义的特质,旨在揭示明清官式建筑之中现代建筑在中国传统营造末期带来的启示。
Abstract: From the time axis, as a continuation of the building level of Tang and Song Dynasties, the official architecture in Ming and Qing Dynasties is usually regarded as the end of classical architecture. However, due to the technical barriers cast by the "Construction Methods" and the development of feudal centralization to the final stage, the demand for building symbolism was strengthened to combat the spread of social secularization to maintain the legitimacy of its power, and many factors resulted in the gradual weakening function of the clear official structure and the pursuit of the form, thus unveiling the prelude to Chinese architectural modernism. This paper,from the religious symbolism of the official architecture, the planarization of decoration and the function of structure,analyzes the characteristics of its modernism. It aims to reveal the sprout of modernism in the Ming and Qing#br# Dynasty architecture, which has long been neglected.#br#