巢湖学院学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (2): 109-114.doi: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2019.02.016
Thief of Hearts is one of the Golden Mountain Chronicles written by Laurence Yep. The text tells a story that Stacy, a Chinese American girl, finds her identity of being a Chinese American by realizing her Chinese heritage. Compared to Chinese immigrants' original culture, the culture of dominant groups can be different or contradictory. In order to gain the sense of belonging, most of the Chinese immigrants have to experience the process of acculturation which may influence their identity construction. According to the theory of New Criticism and the concept of acculturation, it can be seen that the desire to integrate Chinese identity with American culture could be found in some Chinese immigrants in the story. They actively adapt to American culture without denying#br# Chinese identity, which is of far-reaching significance for further exploring the diverse cultural identity of Chinese American groups in the field of American literature.#br#
摘要: 摘要:《偷心贼》是叶祥添所著的”金山系列小说”之一,小说讲述了华裔女孩史黛西感悟中国文化传承并认识到自身华裔美国人身份的故事。小说中的华裔移民为了追寻文化归属感往往需要面对与原社会文化不同甚至矛盾的文化结构,因而不得不经历文化适应过程,而这一过程往往会影响其对自身文化身份的建构。结合新批评理论与文化适应的概念,可以发现其中一些华裔移民表现出融合中国身份与美国文化的渴望,他们在积极地适应美国文化的同时不否定中国身份,对于自我身份的态度渐渐变得开放,这对于在华裔文学领域进一步探讨华裔群体多样的文化身份认同意义深远。