巢湖学院学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (1): 68-76.doi: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2024.01.010

• 历史与文化 • 上一篇    下一篇


许俊文:淮北师范大学 历史文化旅游学院   

  1. 淮北师范大学 历史文化旅游学院,安徽 淮北 235000
  • 收稿日期:2023-10-20 出版日期:2024-01-25 发布日期:2024-06-08
  • 作者简介:许俊文(1997—),男,安徽宣城人,淮北师范大学历史文化旅游学院硕士研究生,主要从事中国近现代史研究。

The Huizhou War Disaster and Self Rescue Activities from 1926 to 1927

XU Jun-wen:College of History, Culture and Tourism, Huaibei Normal University   

  1. College of History, Culture and Tourism, Huaibei Normal University, Huaibei Anhui 235000
  • Received:2023-10-20 Online:2024-01-25 Published:2024-06-08

摘要: 1926年,孙传芳领导的“五省联军”被国民革命军击败后,在长达三个月的时间内有三支联军残部先后过境或驻防徽州,期间对当地社会秩序造成较大冲击。徽州社会遭遇了咸同兵燹以来最严重的破坏,不仅对经济发展与民众生活影响颇重,甚至传承已久的徽州文化都受挫明显。为此,徽州本地人和旅外徽州人一方面力所能及地开展灾后重建工作;一方面多方呼吁各方介入与孙传芳接团的谈判工作,力求将损失降至最低。1926—1927年徽州兵灾反映了变动社会秩序下北洋军阀的流入对传统社会的冲击,也反映出不能保境安民的北洋军队必然被革命军队和富有正义感的民众汇成的革命力量淘汰。

关键词: 徽州, 兵灾, 旅外徽人, 救亡

Abstract: In 1926, after the "Five Provinces Alliance" led by Sun Chuanfang was defeated by the National Revolutionary Army, three remnants of the coalition army passed through or stationed in Huizhou for a period of up to three months, causing a significant impact on the local social order. Huizhou society has suffered the most severe damage since the Xiantong War, which not only has a significant impact on economic development and people's lives, but even the long-standing Huizhou culture has suffered significant setbacks. To this end, local and foreign residents of Huizhou are doing their best to carry out post disaster reconstruction work, while also calling on all parties to intervene in negotiations with Sun Chuanfang to minimize losses. The military disaster in Huizhou from 1926 to 1927 reflected the impact of the Beiyang warlords on traditional society under the changing social order, and also reflected that the Beiyang army, which could not protect the environment and the people, was inevitably eliminated by the revolutionary forces formed by the revolutionary army and the righteous people.

Key words: Huizhou, war disaster, traveling emblem person, salvation


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