巢湖学院学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (3): 101-107+128.doi: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2024.03.013

• 高教改革与探索 • 上一篇    下一篇


吴凤义,李川,王新运,谢忠,杨继亮:巢湖学院 化学与材料工程学院   

  1. 巢湖学院 化学与材料工程学院,安徽 巢湖 238024
  • 收稿日期:2024-04-25 出版日期:2024-05-25 发布日期:2024-11-20
  • 作者简介:吴凤义(1980—),男,安徽宣城人,巢湖学院化学与材料工程学院副教授,博士,主要从事化学工程与技术教学 及纳米材料合成与应用研究。
  • 基金资助:

Refining Training Objectives for Chemical Engineering Professionals in Local Universities under the New Engineering Paradigm: A Case Study of Universities in Anhui Province

WU Feng-yi,LI Chuan,WANG Xin-yun,XIE Zhong,YANG Ji-liang:School of Chemistry and Material Engineering,Chaohu University   

  1. School of Chemistry and Material Engineering, Chaohu University, Chaohu Anhui 238024
  • Received:2024-04-25 Online:2024-05-25 Published:2024-11-20

摘要: 伴随着新工科建设持续推进,以化工专业为典型的传统工程学科人才培养目标已不适应新时代需要。文章以培养人才的规格、类型、特色、毕业生的服务领域以及就业方向等方面作为切入点,对安徽省内高校化学工程专业的人才培养目标进行了全面调研。特别是针对地方高校在设定培养目标过程中所面临的突出问题进行了深度剖析。在此基础上,建议地方高校在制定化工专业人才培养目标过程中,注意专业“内涵式”发展,合理地设定人才培养规格和类型;重视就业调查,准确地确立人才服务面向、就业方向;加强人才培养目标评价和持续改进。

关键词: 新工科, 人才培养目标, 高等教育, 化工专业

Abstract: With the ongoing advancement of new engineering disciplines, the traditional objectives for cultivating chemical engineering professionals no longer meet the demands of the contemporary era. This paper conducts a comprehensive investigation into the training objectives for chemical engineering majors at universities in Anhui Province, focusing on aspects such as training standards, types, characteristics, service areas, and employment directions of graduates. The study deeply analyzes the prominent issues faced by local universities in setting these objectives. Based on this analysis, it is recommended that local universities emphasize "connotative" development, reasonably define the specifications and types of talent cultivation, prioritize employment surveys to accurately determine service areas and employment directions, and strengthen the evaluation and continuous improvement of training objectives.

Key words: new engineering, talent training objective, higher education, chemical engineering major


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