巢湖学院学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (1): 27-31+39.doi: 10.12152/j.issn.1672-2868.2019.01.005
国家监察体制下,监察证据向刑事证据的转化成为监察程序与司法程序衔接的核心内容。《监察法》33 条从证据移送使用、证据标准、非法证据排除三方面规范监察证据的运用,但仍显不足。在调查活动中依照职务违法与职务犯罪的二元体系采取层次不同的证据标准。此外,监察证据向刑事诉讼中移送使用要遵循实物证据、言词证据的分化模式。实物证据可以直接移送使用,言词证据需要严格的限制。最后,在监察法语境下,要完善非法证据排除规则,强化检察机关尧审判机关对监察证据的合法性审查。
Under the state supervision system, the conversion of supervision evidence to criminal evidence becomes the core content of the connection between the supervision procedure and the judicial procedure. Article 33 of the "Supervisory Law" regulates the use of evidence from three aspects: the transfer of evidence, the standard of evidence, and the exclusion of illegal evidence. But it is still insufficient. In the investigation activities, different levels of evidence standards are adopted according to the dual system of job violations and duty crimes. In addition,the supervision evidence is transferred to criminal proceedings using a differentiation model that follows physical evidence and verbal evidence. Physical evidence can be transferred directly, and verbal evidence needs to be strictly restricted. Finally, under the supervision law, it is necessary to refine the rules for the exclusion of illegal evidence and strengthen the legality review of the evidence by the procuratorial and judicial organs.