巢湖学院学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (6): 8-15+90.
摘要:高校专业录取分数线形成过程是考生复杂的社会心理作用过程。在综合动力(TM)、计划行为(PBT)和Triandis 模型的研究基础上,构建一种综合的研究模型,综合解析专业报考态度、志愿和行动三者之间的作用机制及其影响因素,并结合应用型高校的调查数据进行实证研究,进而就提升应用型本科高校报考率提出对策。
Abstract: Forming admission scores of universities is a complicated social psychological process. Based on the Theory of Motivation, Planned Behavior Theory and Triandis Model, this paper establishes an integrated theoretical analysis framework, systematically analyzes the mechanism and the influencing factors of the attitude, the intention and the behavior of applying for majors, and models a structural equation according to the surveyed data. This paper also offers some counter-measures and suggestions to increase the applying rate of application-oriented universities.